Spiritual Practices How Do We Pray for Animals? Interspecies healing practices include prayer circles and shawls.
Living in the World Recasting: Grandma’s Irish Stew Goes Vegan All the flavors will come together, like ancestral pathways.
Mental Wellness 6 Vibrational Healing Practices for Anxiety and Excessive Overthinking Anything and everything you ingest has a vibration, so be mindful and bring an awareness of ...
Spiritual Practices One With the One Read the story of a woman who died, went to heaven, returned to a broken body, and was ... Sponsored
Mental Wellness How to Write Affirmations That Work for You How is your self-talk? If it needs work, discover how to write affirmations that work for you.
The Body Caring for a Postpartum Body Childbirth necessitates changes to your body, as does caring for your baby after. Love and take ...
Spiritual Practices The Art of Lucid Living—Learning Death’s Secret Steve Jobs understood Death’s Secret and was a master of Lucid Living. Sponsored
Perspectives 5 Ways to Channel Your Inner Caveperson Now Rest in a squat, ditch your mattress, and more to tap into your ancestral bio-individuality.
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Meaning of Midsummer Try this mini-ritual for midsummer, when nature teaches us to rest and be patient.
Spiritual Practices A New Moon Meditation for Abundance The new moon brings about an opportunity for abundance and expansion. New moon meditation ...
Mental Wellness 10 Ways to Practice Mindful Grieving In dealing with a loss, your actions and words, thoughts, breath, diet, and more can all be ...
Spiritual Practices Against God Against God? Whose god? “It is difficult to be against the god of another’s imagining without ...
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Neal Allen, Discover God Inside You Author of Shapes of Truth, Neal Allen, discusses the 35 qualities of God that each human has ...