Mental Wellness Empaths & Animals: A Special Relationship Authenticity, a minimal amount of emotional work, and the ability to gain trust are just some of ...
Living in the World What the Cicadas Can Teach Us About Sex & Sacredness We experience the cicadas’ life cycle as sound, sex, then silence. The coming brood makes us ...
Spiritual Practices An Animal Rosary A new way to pray that combines an ancient tool and a modern perspective.
Spiritual Practices Spirituality and Dogs You have to train a dog to be vicious. For humans, all it takes is religion, politics, or social ...
Spiritual Practices Delightful and Bear-able Sabbath Practices Tap into the Sabbath practices of a hibernating bear. Unplug, rest ... and just be.
Living in the World For the Love of Guinea Pigs Discover 4 ways to celebrate the first-ever Guinea Pig Awareness Week. Start by learning what ...
Spiritual Practices Is Godzilla Your Power Animal? Within that which you fear, there is spiritual potential. Reclaim your monsters and awaken to ...
Spiritual Practices Be Squirrely Giant squirrels, giant lessons? Animal chaplain Sarah Bowen explores what squirrels can show us ...
Spiritual Practices What’s Your Animal Sign? It’s like astrology but add some fur and feathers. Discover your animal sign and how this animal ...
Living in the World A Playlist For Nervous Cats Parent to a nervous cat? Body-Mind-Spirit connection isn't just for the humans—help your cat ...
Perspectives Visits From a Mystical Messenger The symbolic meanings of animals often vary from culture to culture. Different animals and their ...
Living in the World Black Cats: Reclaiming the Sacred Feline Halloween and the season of black cats is a good time to examine our misplaced beliefs and ...
Spiritual Practices Animal Mystics How can we live in sacred relationship with the more-than-human world?
Relationships Catstrology: What the Stars Can Teach You About Your Feline Friends Astrology for cats? Finally decode their quirky behavior by getting to know their place on the ...
Relationships 4 Lessons on Forgiveness From a Rescue Dog Maggie the Wunderdog was shot, attacked, and left for dead, but, thanks to a rescuer, survived, ...