Perspectives Planning a Heart-Centered Thanksgiving Animal chaplain Sarah Bowen shares how she has re-crafted her Thanksgiving to be more ...
Living in the World Faux Paws: Common Sayings Animal Lovers Should Avoid Thingifying animals is a thing (Sure! I'll be your guinea pig!)—and words matter. Here are tips ...
Living in the World Podcast: Animal Chaplain Sarah Bowen Sarah Bowen’s spiritual work as an animal chaplain and multifaith educator includes supporting ...
The Body Pets and Coronavirus: What We Need to Know The news that a tiger in the Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID-19 is raising questions about ...
The Body #MooToo: Why We Should Rethink Drinking Cow’s Milk Joaquin Phoenix very publicly pointed the spotlight on inter-species entitlement. Here's why, ...
From the Editor The letter from the editor kicks off each issue and helps set the tone for the magazine. Over ...
The Body Why It’s Better to Eat a Cow than a Hen or a Sow The “dismal science” of economics looks at reducing cruelty.
Living in the World How Do I Survive the Pain? “My trigger that tells me I’m tuned in to an animal is the fact that my eyes fill up with tears.”