Relationships Beltane Ritual for Couples Honor your relationship throughout the Gaelic May Day festival with a Beltane ritual for couples.
Spiritual Practices How to Be Happier—the Buddhist Way Humans lean toward the negative, but we can overcome this tendency. Discover five ...
The Body Dr. Susan Sands on the Pleasures of Living in an Aging Body “Not letting ourselves age is a way of not letting ourselves live.”
Mental Wellness Is Hypnosis a Faster Form of Therapy? Hypnosis can help you get to the root of an issue quickly. It’s increasingly being used as a ...
Spiritual Practices How Tantra Connects Sexuality and Spirituality Use all available experience and phenomena to deepen your connection to yourself: That’s the ...
Mental Wellness Heal Grief with Aimless Creativity Fuzzy yarn, a toy xylophone, or a box of glass beads can be a better prescription than a pill.
Mental Wellness Guided Sleep Meditation for the Middle of the Night Insomniacs can take solace in this guided meditation.
Living in the World Magic Mushroom Retreats Interested in psychedelic change? Magic mushroom retreats may be an appealing option.
Perspectives Featured Artist: Alena Hennessy S&H editor Ben Nussbaum spoke with North Carolina–based artist Alena Hennessy about her ...
Spiritual Practices Beyond Optimism and Pessimism What’s up with being in the world but not of it? And why do bad things happen to good people?
Mental Wellness “Dog Mind” and the Cone of Mindfulness Wearing a "cone of mindfulness" can help protect our spiritual and mental wellbeing during ...
The Body 5 Care Tips: Sacrum The sacrum is all about balance and symmetry. Protect your sacrum with practical advice.
Perspectives 100 Sounds and a Culture of Listening With inspiration from a sociological program in Japan, explore new, more intentional ways of ...