Anne Lamott on taking a time out Almost anything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
Mental Wellness 5 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be More Creative Take time to reboot your imagination
The Body The Real High My definition of a drug is any substance which alters your senses. I include alcohol and ...
Dhumavati: Goddess of Empowering Ugliness So how can we, with Dhumavati, embrace the ways in which we are, powerfully, ugly?
The Body Ingratitude Is Way Too Easy Are you often accused of being a complainer? Whiner? Pessimist? An ingrate too intent on ...
Relationships Toolbox: Ocean Aware The choices we make on land make a huge difference to the health of our oceans; consider these ...
The Body Listening: The Supreme Skill Try this practice from The Zen of You and Me and treat listening as an intentional meditation.
The Body Fix Your DNA with Meditation and Yoga A new study suggests that mind-body interventions can reverse a common molecular reaction that ...
The Body How to Cultivate Mindfulness by Listening to Your Thoughts Try this exercise to develop mindfulness by meditating on one’s thoughts.
The Body The Dark Side of Eating Too Little Salt If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, most likely your doctor has told you to lower ...
Six Lessons from the Sea After a couple of decades of surfing and traveling, and writing about surfing and traveling, ...
Perspectives Marketplace - Jul/Aug 2017 Books, services, education and products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.