The Body 3 Ways to Attack a Tight Trapezius Bunched-up, tight shoulders and neck? Time to relax those trapezius muscles.
Living in the World You Say Potato, I Say Pogrom Garden City, Idaho looks pretty picturesque. Not so pretty: A candidate for the area’s city ...
The Body Yoga as a Culinary Art Explore spirituality in the kitchen and try this recipe for vegan Samosa Pot Pie.
Living in the World Science & Spirit: Faking Extroversion, Politics Causing Illness, Self-Esteem Boosts Friendships Should you pretend to be an extrovert? It can be surprisingly effective, a new report claims. ...
Asking for Forgiveness During Elul Rabbi Rami explains why he encourages everyone to take part in asking for forgiveness during ...
The Body An Ayurvedic Skincare Routine Ayurveda has many recipes that can help improve the look and feel of your skin. Here are three ...
A Ritual For Welcoming Moon Season Fall is the perfect season to release that which no longer serves us. Try this moon ritual to ...
Conscious Speaking: A Path of Awakening Speech is our thoughts, our feelings, our intention, and our energy expressed as sound formed ... Sponsored
Relationships 3 Sensual Practices to Do With Your Partner Tonight (That Aren’t About Sex) “These three practices all have the key quality of inviting pleasure while reducing stress.”