The Body Staying Sane with Meditative Archery Meditative archery can help you connect mind, body, and spirit.
The Body Fight Inflamm-Aging Aging and chronic inflammation turn out to be so interconnected, the research world has a new ...
Relationships Leaving Your Religion If you have left or are considering leaving your religion for something spiritual, consider ...
Relationships What Can Be Done About Religious Fanatics? “In addition to neutralizing its noxious expressions, we need to learn more about what drives ...
Relationships poem: TWO VOICES "You find / your optimism stuttering. / Sometimes you let yourself / pray then judge yourself"
The Body How Listening to Your Gut Can Curb Anxiety: An Eater’s Guide Creating balance in your gut can help to alleviate your anxiety.
Imagineering the Soul Look to innovative thinkers like Walt Disney’s Imagineers to revitalize your spirit.
The Body 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Try these easy, natural remedies for keeping fall and winter colds at bay.
The Body 5 Things You Can Do to Decrease Systemic Inflammation That Have Nothing to Do with Food “While dietary change is a great first line of defense, calming inflammation calls for a ...
The Body Guided Meditation: Progressive Relaxation for Deep Sleep Move through a guided relaxation process for your mind, your nervous system, your muscles, and ...
The Time for a Spiritual Revolution is Now Our collective purpose is to discover, surrender, and inspire. Sponsored