Spiritual Practices Spirituality and Sentience Recognizing the sentience of nonhumans obligates you to engage with life in a manner that, at ...
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Animal Chaplain Sarah Bowen, Sacred Sendoffs Healing the planet, grieving an animal loss, and more from Sacred Sendoffs with animal chaplain ...
Perspectives Daylight Savings Dilemma: What’s Best for Body and Spirit? Shedding light on darker mornings, brighter nights.
Perspectives A Kantian Way of Life “This image of Kant as a genius, toiling quietly but brilliantly away in his little house in ... Sponsored
Mental Wellness Protein for Mental Health Eating lean protein and slow-release energy food helps keep your mood up and depression at bay.
Spiritual Practices Are You Ready to Try a Vedic Meditation Mantra? What makes a mantra? Discover how chanting Vedic meditation mantras creates healing energy.
Spiritual Practices Re-Wilding Christianity Christianity evolved as, among other things, a language, a set of words pointing to a set of ideas.
The Body Science & Spirit: All About Aging Organs age at different rates, even a little alcohol shrinks your brain, and steps matter.
The Body Spiritual Meaning of IBS The spiritual meaning of IBS is about looking at imbalances in how we relate to our food and our ...
Living in the World Take This Fun Intuition Quiz to Determine Your Intuitive Style Do antique stores unsettle you? Do you have a great sense of direction? An intuition quiz can ...
Relationships 4 Steps to Receive Your Soulmate Discover the fourth step on the path to find your soulmate. Sponsored
Perspectives Tarot for Dark Days: Strength and the Wilt The wisdom of tarot for dark days is about the wilt. It’s a surrender that allows you to find ...
Mental Wellness Signs It’s Time for an Emotional Purge Feeling overwhelmed by negativity? It may be time for an emotional purge.