Heart-Based Decision Making: Journey Inward With Breath & Heart Explore the process of learning to make decisions from your heart center. Sponsored
The Spiritual Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card What is holding you in chains? The Devil card may appear scary at first, but it has deep lessons ...
Finding Zen by Accepting Impermanence Rabbi Rami reflects upon his own Zen teachings after a recent conversation with crossword puzzle ...
How Spiritual Minimalism Helps Create Space and Purpose One meditation teacher shares his thoughts on how to streamline your life to create more meaning ... Sponsored
How to Live an Authentic Life in Harmony With Tao Explore one thinker’s perspective on living the best life possible in the “Taoverse.”
The Spiritual Meaning of Lughnasadh At the cross-quarter date between the summer solstice and fall equinox, many modern pagans ...
Lughnasadh Meditation for Gratitude on the First Harvest Gather gratitude with this guided meditation to celebrate Lughnasadh, an ancient Celtic harvest ...
A Ritual for Lughnasadh Celebrate Lughnasadh, a pagan summer harvest festival, with an earth-centered ritual. Enjoy the ...
Quiz: What Is Your Dark Night of the Soul Teaching You? When the Dark Night of the Soul arrives, it benefits us to learn its lessons. Take this ...
Podcast: Light Watkins, Travel Light With Spiritual Minimalism What is spiritual minimalism, and how do we decide what to carry with us through life? ...
Spiritual Minimalism: Being All, While Schlepping Less What would you carry in your spiritual minimalist backpack? Rabbi Rami Shapiro considers his own ...
Using Awareness to Create a Meaningful Life “What we need to realize is that this sense of meaninglessness does not come from our lives but ...