Restless Everything Syndrome The First Noble Truth of Buddhism (dukkha) is that we can’t avoid suffering. But suffering is a ...
What Astrology Really Tells You “You may be among the millions of Americans who are curious about, if not seriously engaged ...
Science & Spirit: Avocados, Constipation, and Wigging Out Good reasons to stock up on avocadoes, an intriguing link between depression and constipation, ...
“Drunk, Stoned, or Laid” Memories of Manhattan spur S&H Editor at Large Stephen Kiesling to reflect on the "masters ...
How to Clear Your Clutter With Reiki Your outer circumstances are a reflection on how you feel about the world. Sponsored
Winter Solstice Meditation A winter solstice meditation can be a time for grieving, acknowledging what’s been lost, and ...
Working With Moon Phases Discover how to work with moon phases. Then you can plan, or adjust, accordingly.
Guided Meditation: Earth and Water to Find Embodiment Use this guided meditation anytime you need to feel a deeper sense of embodiment.
The Infinite Transforming Power of Mind An excerpt from In Search of Wisdom: A Monk, A Philosopher, and Psychiatrist on What Matters Most
The Power of the Moon Tap into the power of the moon with these easy practices for moon spirituality.
Strategies for Overcoming Resistance and Distractions in Meditation Here are some strategies that will help you stay steady on the path of a regular meditation ...