Podcast: Brian McLaren, author, and advocate for a new kind of Christianity What is brewing in U.S. Christianity? Brian McLaren discusses how we can embrace spiritual doubt ...
Spirituality and Your Motherboard “Regardless of your religion or lack thereof, what is your motherboard, your non-negotiable, ...
6 Tools for More Freedom—the Buddhist Way Discover ways to feel more free through Buddhist practices. “We all want freedom but we are not ...
Is Godzilla Your Power Animal? Within that which you fear, there is spiritual potential. Reclaim your monsters and awaken to ...
Power Up Your Soul’s Purpose Your soul purpose may be hiding within your solar plexus chakra. “The third chakra embodies the ...
Writing Letters: A Spiritual Practice Looking for a new practice to calm the mind and connect with others? Try writing an ...
Natural Spirituality “Firmly rooted in the brain and the body, Natural Spirituality guides us through a stepped ... Sponsored
Invoking the Mystical Phoenix The phoenix appears throughout the world as a symbol of rebirth and resilience. How can you ...
10 Powerful Affirmations Based on the Phoenix Based on the imagery of a phoenix, these affirmations will help you rise from the ashes and ...
Tune Into Your Major Chakra to Design Your Optimal Sacred Space Create a sacred space in your home. First find your major chakra, then discover the aesthetic ...
Walking the Divine Fido Praying to dog? Studies have shown prayer has a positive impact on mental and physical health ...
The Spirituality of Cycling Feel spiritual when you’re on a bike? Embrace that feeling and make a practice of the ...