More Than Hybrids: Spiritual Seekers on a Spacious Path Those who venture beyond their original spiritual tradition say they aren’t “hybrids.” Instead, ...
6 Tools to Defuse and Disable Suffering—the Buddhist Way For one, cut through the feeling that any challenging circumstance is permanent.
Do a Sacred Home Cleanse Using Vibrational Energy Clearing Just like our physical bodies, our homes can become cluttered with energy that doesn’t serve us.
Spirituality, War, and Personal Training Are humans ready to outgrow their local deities in favor of something more cosmic and inclusive?
Guided Meditation: Winding Down for Sleep When there is so much to think about, winding down to sleep is vital to your wellbeing.
Toolbox: Refreshing Bath Rituals Get the most from your you-time with these products that can make your bath extra rejuvenating.
Ayahuasca Does Not Deceive Amazonia expert explores ayahuasca from the perspective of an elder of the indigenous Shawi people.
Stop Suppressing, Start Examining Faith Hunter, author of Spiritually Fly: Wisdom, Meditations, and Yoga to Elevate the Soul, ...
Becoming Moon-imals What might we gain from considering ourselves in the same way, affected by both our earthly ...
Embracing Earth Medicine As a teen, Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz realized that her ancestral foods were medicine. Now a chef and ...
A Coequal Helpmeet Rabbi Rami Shapiro answers questions from S&H readers. “I’m engaged to a man I met in Bible ...