Guided Meditation: Inanna's Descent into the Underworld Meditating on the archetypal story of Inanna and her sister Ereshkigal can bring you great peace ...
Me and the Dalai Lama: Rabbi Rami’s Experience with Metta Rabbi Rami Shapiro reminisces on his meeting the Dalai Lama and shares a Tibetan Buddhist ...
Lessons from the Goddess Yemoya The Yoruba goddess Yemoya teaches us about the power of divine femininity and how to flow with ...
2 Crystal Rituals for Hard Times Crystals can help us find the wisdom to navigate challenging situations and life circumstances. ...
Guided Meditation: Wisdom from Baba Yaga This short guided meditation leads you into the woods to meet Baba Yaga, an ancient Slavic ...
Shattering Duality: Rabbi Rami’s Interfaith Glimpse into Vedanta Rabbi Rami Shapiro shares about his initiation into Hindu philosophy, his devotion to the ...
Earthing on a Full Moon Let the desires of your heart guide you to discover powerful grounding rituals during each full ...
The Living Tradition of Quakerism Often misunderstood, the Quaker tradition holds a rich history of religious and social advocacy. ...
3 Crystals for Meditation Meditation practice requires surrender and openness. Crystals can help you achieve such states ...
A Guided Meditation for Dream Recall Trying to remember your dreams more clearly? Queue this meditation up on your phone for the ...
What Do Tarot Cards Tell Us? Explore the profound insights that tarot readings can offer and shed light on the mysteries they ... Sponsored
Becoming a Non-Anxious Presence When crashing waves surround us, our non-anxious presence by way of the Holy Spirit may be the ... Sponsored