How to Start a Meditative Painting Practice Use breathwork and color therapy to find your center in your meditative painting practice.
14 Spiritual Affirmations to Assist in Your Awakening Consider a spiritual awakening as a major wake-up call from the universe. Spiritual affirmations ...
Podcast: Vanessa Chakour, Awakening Artemis and Rewilding Nature Herbalist and environmental activist Vanessa Chakour encourages you to rewire your perception of ...
Four Mentors and the Spiritual Quest You are on a spiritual quest ... and you may meet four archetypal mentors, including the ...
Taking It Home: Hang on to the Positive Effects of Your Retreat Reap the benefits of your retreat long after you return home.
How to Prepare for Your Retreat From flight plans to financing to emergency contacts, make sure you’re well prepared so when it ...
7 Daily Shinto Rituals Lifelong Shinto practitioner suggests ways to incorporate Shinto cleansing and purifying rituals.
Furious to Curious: Listening as a Spiritual Practice How a couple handles tensions determines the trajectory of their relationship.
The God-Sized Hole “I feel this great hole in me. A religious friend called this a “God-sized” hole and urged me to ...
Reading the Tree Leaves Practice dendromancy by reading tree leaves and branches for insight, creating runes, brewing ...