Create a Solo Ritual to Call in Love and Sensuality Self-love is the doorway to sensual connection—delight in your sacred self with a solo ritual.
How to Identify and Work With Your Power Animal Supporter power animals offer potent energetic medicine, wisdom, and teachings. Your core power ...
What Is Spiritual Bypassing? Emotions do not go away. They get trapped in the body and can even lead to mental and physical ...
Repaganizing: Reconnecting With Our Pagan Past Repaganizing suggests that paganism is our natural state—that recent trends are simply a return ...
Guided Audio Meditation: Root Yourself in Nature Connect to the peace of our planet in 10 minutes with a guided outdoor mindfulness meditation.
Mysticism of the Breath Mysticism of the breath is an ancient, and appropriately timeless, tool for healing and ... Sponsored
Spirituality and Sentience Recognizing the sentience of nonhumans obligates you to engage with life in a manner that, at ...
Podcast: Animal Chaplain Sarah Bowen, Sacred Sendoffs Healing the planet, grieving an animal loss, and more from Sacred Sendoffs with animal chaplain ...
Are You Ready to Try a Vedic Meditation Mantra? What makes a mantra? Discover how chanting Vedic meditation mantras creates healing energy.
Re-Wilding Christianity Christianity evolved as, among other things, a language, a set of words pointing to a set of ideas.
Spiritual Meaning of the Vernal Equinox The spiritual meaning of the spring equinox may resonate with a feeling of lightening and ...
A Ritual for the Full Worm Moon Are you ready to get down and dirty to tap into the energy of the full Worm Moon?