Solignment Institute
PO Box 499, Boulder, CO 80306
To learn more and schedule a call with our Director of Client Success visit: solignment.com/leadership-training/
Program Overview
Step into your deepest fulfillment, wealth, and impact as a world-class coach, healer, and leader.
The Solignment Leadership Training is for coaches, healers, therapists, and soul-driven leaders who want to bring their gifts to the world in a much bigger way.
We are here to support you to create a healing business that gives you a great income and lifestyle while creating miraculous results for your clients with ease.
Certifications, Programs, or Training Available
SOLignment Breath Facilitator Certification & Leadership Training
Program Schedule
MODULE 1: Embody Personal Mastery. Go through a personal clearing of fear and self-sabotage. Embody the knowing of your worth, express your power, and step into living your next level of purpose. Includes online teachings, supervision calls, and a 6-day LIVE immersion workshop.
MODULE 2: Private Session Mastery. Bring the SOLignment Breath Process tools and skills to facilitate profound transformation for your clients. Includes online teachings, supervision calls, and a 6-day LIVE immersion workshop.
MODULE 3: Wealth Creation. Clear your subconscious blocks, fears, and limitations around money. Unlock your worth so you can attract the financial freedom you desire. Includes online teachings, supervision calls, and a 6-day LIVE immersion.
MODULE 4: Group Facilitation Mastery. Master leading workshops in a group setting that leave your clients with life-altering results and the desire to continue working with you. Includes online teachings, supervision calls, and a 6-day LIVE immersion.
Application Process
To learn more and schedule a call with our Director of Client Success visit: solignment.com/leadership-training
Attend Our ENRICH Weekend Immersion!
A life-changing 3 day experience for successful coaches, healers, therapists, and soul-driven leaders who want to step into their next level of success, unlock the full power of their healing gifts and create miraculous breakthroughs for their clients. Attend in-person in Denver, Colorado, Oct 20–22, 2023. A limited number of online tickets are available too.
Learn more at: solignment.com/enrich
Testimonial From an Alumnus
"I was a breathworker and trauma release facilitator for many years, yet I was still struggling with insecurity and imposter syndrome. I wasn’t able to properly put myself out there or let the world know about my gifts. Hence I didn’t have many clients and I also didn’t have the income I hoped for.
As I went through the Leadership Training with Julia Mikk my life completely changed. I found a whole new level of confidence and stepped into a much greater expertise in my
healing work. My clients started being blown away by the results! Plus, I quadrupled my income!
It completely exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend this Leadership Training to any coach, breathworker or therapist who wants to make a bigger difference and multiply their income at the same time.“
—Marina Pirulli, Reiki, Shiatsu, Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System Practitioner. Rome, Italy