Top 473 results for “sleep meditation”
Guided Sleep Meditations
A Guided Earth Medicine Sleep Meditation
In this sleep meditation, connect with the energy of the earth element to help you cleanse any unhelpful energy, find support and relaxation, and meet the unconditional love that Earth is a conduit for. Use this meditation if you are feeling stressed, anxious, ungrounded, or simply need help drifting off into a restful sleep.
Gentle Self-Loving Sleep Meditation
Allow yourself to drift off with the gentle reminder of all that is good and worthy within you.

Cooling Sleep Meditation for Hot Summer Nights
Use this guided meditation to cool off the body and mind and prepare for rest.

Breath-Focused Meditation for Deep Sleep
Follow your natural breath to help relax your mind and your body. Gently switch into the parasympathetic rest-and-digest state by effortlessly allowing each exhale to drop you deeper into relaxation so that you can sleep sweetly.
Meditation for Deep Sleep: A Delicious Fantasyland
Wander through a delicious fantasyland filled with benevolent flowers with nourishing, healing properties.
Healing Sleep Meditation for Dealing With Illness or Injury
Allow yourself to rest with guided meditation as you recover.
Magic Meditation for Sleep: Safety and Protection
Visualize a circle of protection around your body. Sleep safe and sound.
Guided Sleep Meditation: Visiting Grandmother's Cottage
Lull yourself to sleep with a soothing meditation, visualizing yourself visiting a kind grandmother in her woodland cottage.
Guided Meditation: Deeply Relax (Or Sleep) With Breathwork
This gentle, progressive breathwork will help your body return to the rest-and-digest state so you can calm down, detoxify, rest, clear your mind, soothe inflammation.
Chilled Cherry Moon Milk & Sleep Meditation
Savor the flavors of frothy cherry moon milk while you visualize being bathed in a peaceful pink light.
Guided Meditation: Progressive Relaxation for Deep Sleep
Move through a guided relaxation process for your mind, your nervous system, your muscles, and your bones to help you calm down, slow down, and get the rest you need—whether you actually fall asleep or not.
Guided Meditation: Winding Down for Sleep
When there is so much to think about, winding down to sleep is vital to your wellbeing.
Guided Sleep Meditation for the Middle of the Night
Insomniacs can take solace in this guided meditation.
Guided Meditation: The Healing Elixir Sleep Spell
This guided meditation will help you navigate your own healing journey by gifting you with a healing elixir.
Guided Meditation for Sleep: Garden of the Goddess
Drift off to sleep peacefully with a 17-minute guided meditation into the garden of the Goddess.
Guided Relaxation for Deep Sleep
This simple guided meditation is inspired by the Yoga Nidra meditation practice, which is a progressive relaxation of the entire body.
Guided Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Starry Night
Walk into an evening field and settle by a warm fire to enjoy the stars. Settle into a relaxed state, imagining your ancestors there to support you, your heart making wishes on shooting stars. Let your mind rest while your body makes its way toward sleep.
Audio Meditation: Relax into Your Breath
This meditation is ideal if you need a pause from your day to slow down and calm down, and you may wish to put it on as you are lying in bed at night preparing to sleep.
The Ajna Light: Healing Benefits
The Ajna Light offers a unique opportunity to experience relaxation effects.
Breathing into Balance: Explore Alternate Nostril Breathing
Though you can do this guided meditation anytime, it especially helps you fall asleep at night.
6 Mindfulness-Based Techniques to Help You Fall Asleep
Mindfulness techniques are being incorporated more and more for sleep health. Here are six expert-recommended mindfulness practices to help you fall—and stay—asleep.
How to Use Guided Meditations
Guided meditation can be used to promote better sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and even to relieve chronic pain.
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Wildflower Field
Fall asleep while visualizing yourself in a field of flowers.
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Colorful City of Your Mind
Immerse yourself in a colorful city in your mind to rock you to sleep.
Yoga for Better Sleep
You can improve your sleep just by implementing bedtime yoga sequences into your daily practice. Yoga for better sleep can be done from the comfort of your own bed.
Can Spiritual Sleep Help You Learn, Heal, and Reach Your Full Potential?
Through dream incubation, yoga nidra, or a general meditative practice, spiritual sleep can bring on creativity and help you problem-solve.
5 Care Tips: Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is the size of a grain of rice, but it is responsible for sleep and sexual development and acts as a strong antioxidant, among other functions.
Guided Meditation: The Restful Path to Sweet Dreams
Enjoy this relaxing visualization through beautiful landscapes as you drift off to sleep tonight.
Guided Meditation: A Body-Mind-Spirit Bedtime Routine
Trouble sleeping? Enjoy this gentle, relaxing guided meditation to help you slip into dreamland.
A Guided Meditation for Dream Recall
Trying to remember your dreams more clearly? Queue this meditation up on your phone for the morning to help you recall your dreams immediately after waking.
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Cozy Fireplace
A guided visualization to help you drift off to sleep.
A Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Country Road
A guided visualization to help guide you to a deeper sleep.
Guided Meditation: Energy Clearing for Bedtime
Trying to fall asleep but feeling weighed down by the day? Drift off with this peaceful guided meditation to clear your energy.
Guided Meditation: The Moonlit Pond
In this guided sleep meditation, we will gently relax the body while we explore a moonlit forest with a peaceful pond filled with lily pads.
How Meditation and Mindfulness Help Ease Chronic Illness
A novel study found that patients who practice meditation and mindfulness experience better sleep and relaxation patterns and have a more accepting outlook toward living with a long-term illness.
Guided Meditation: The Healing Waters
This gently hypnotic meditation will take you along a dirt path into a candlelit cave with a clear pool filled with healing power. Relax through the guided meditation or allow it to help you get to sleep at night, encouraging your parasympathetic nervous system to wake up your internal capacity for healing.
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Gemstone Staircase
This guided meditation will lull you to sleep as you walk down a beautiful staircase encrusted with healing gemstones like amethysts, rose quartz, sapphire, and amber.
5 Reasons You’re Not Sleeping
If you are struggling to get a good night’s rest, you may want to address these common sleep disruptors.
11 Affirmations for Sweet Slumber
If 2 am is when your mind wants to unpack an irrelevant convo from ages ago or wander to worry, these 11 sleep affirmations will help rein in your thoughts for restful slumber.
Guide to Better Sleep
Sleep Better Tonight
Better Sleep
Poor sleep has massive consequences for our wellbeing. Aim for better sleep through yoga, meditation, supplements, crystals, and more with these ideas for better sleep from S&H.
A Chakra Balancing Meditation for Healing and Connection to Spirit
Try this guided meditation to explore the chakras and gain insight.
The Spiritual Dimensions of Sleep: Exploring the Connection Between Rest and Inner Peace
Can achieving quality rest help you tap into a deeper sense of tranquility? Learn more.
Animal Dreamzzz
Kristen RaceAnyone who has ever suffered a bout of insomnia knows how frustrating it is to try to fall asleep when your mind is not ready; this is true not just for adults but also…
A Sound Sleep
Guided Meditations with Relaxing Music & Nature Sounds By Dudley and Dean Evenson Husband-and-wife team Dean and Dudley Evenson address the needs of two types of stressed-out ins…
Reiki Sleep
Reiki Music for Blissful Sleep By Llewellyn Designed for Reiki practitioners or anyone who is using Reiki for oneself or others, this subtle, relaxing music begins with a brief i…
The River of Heaven
The Haiku of Basho, Buson, Issa, and ShikiBy Robert AitkenI have always found haiku, with its spare text and deeply penetrating insight, a perfect doorway to meditation. With scarc…
Kundalini Yoga
The Body Electric All-in-One WorkoutAna Brett and Ravi Singh“In all our years of training in various yoga, fitness, and self-help modalities, we have yet to find a system as compre…
Reiki River
Reiki RiverNiallParadise MusicNiall (a Celtic name meaning “champion”) was born in Luton, England, and began his study of music at the age of seven, first with the recorder and tru…
The End of Your World
Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of EnlightenmentBy AdyashantiSounds True, 2008, $24.95“More and more people are waking up — having real, authentic glimpses of reality,” says…
Podcasts for On-the-Go Inspiration
The right podcast can turn a lengthy commute, a slow line, or a long, solitary walk into something you hope will never end. Our favorites illuminate, inform, and inspire us. …
Music Review: Long Ambients 1: Calm. Sleep.
Long Ambients 1: Calm. Sleep.MobySelf-releasedAlong with being one of electronic music’s most recognizable artists, Moby is an outspoken advocate of healthy living. In one of his l…
Book Review: Dream Yoga
Dream YogaIlluminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of SleepBy Andrew HolecekSounds TrueDream Yoga is a book that makes big promises: According to author …
Your Soul Needs Playtime
A few years ago, when I was teaching an undergraduate seminar at Stanford on the psychology of happiness, I had the students put away their books and push their chairs to the side …
Living Ultra-Light
Growing up in the rather conservative city of Ottawa, Canada, I never felt that I fit in, but I found a niche at fifteen when I discovered alcohol, boys, and dance clubs. My favori…
Shift Your Body, Change Your Mind
At the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, we have been working for the last year to find ways to help our veterans returning from Iraq a…
Beyond the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
About fifteen years ago, Robert E. Thayer, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at California State University Long Beach and author of the recent book The Origin of Everyday Moods (Ox…
Empowered by the Sacred
An Invocation"Rise and place your hands on your heart. Bow your head to your heart and in doing so, bow your mind, bow your intelligence, bow your ego, to the presence of the Livin…
The Soundtrack of Healing
Outside the main entrance to the 80-acre campus of Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center in Lafayette, Colorado, the air is filled with the sweet serenade of chirping bobwhites and…
Live from a Place of Love: An Interview with Wayne Dyer
Dr. Wayne Dyer is a famously self-made man who was born in Detroit in 1940 and spent his early years in orphanages. He became a high school guidance counselor and then a professor …
Do Healing Frequencies Work?
There is growing interest in using sound for various ailments and to boost human health. Do healing frequencies work? Research suggests they do.
What Makes an Ordinary Place a Sacred Space?
With one in five Americans now unaffiliated with organized religion, a new generation is on a journey to create—or discover—the next great sacred space.
Survival Consciousness
Infinite bliss and enlightenment may be just a breath away. But what does that really mean?Many years ago a stage hypnotist came to my high school for a routine performance in whic…
Balancing the Brain Toward Joy
An Interview with Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.Twelve years ago, at 37, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained neuroanatomist and spokeswoman for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Cen…
Writing Oneself Out of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a debilitating mix of pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depression that is resistant to treatment. Part of the difficulty in treating the millions of Amer…
Lessons from Peak Experiences
About 10 years ago I paddled my white-water kayak onto a wave at “Steamer Lane” in Santa Cruz, California, on a day when the size of the of the waves at the famed surf spot made th…
The Heart of Meditation
We all want small, simple things every day―a good night’s sleep, a parking spot near the door, a satisfying dinner―but what happens when we want to identify or manifest our deeper …
Treating Depression With Ayurveda
Strengthen your Sadhaka Agni and fight depression with these simple practices.
Ayurveda for Inflammation
Every choice we make, everything we do, is either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Try Ayurveda for inflammation.
Home Sweet Home? Not for Domestic Workers. Ai-jen Poo Demands Justice
On the front lines fighting for the dignity of an invisible workforce, Ai-jen Poo aims to rehumanize society.
Find the Right Tea to Soothe Body and Soul
Find the right tea to soothe yourself, body and soul.
Two New Books for Finding Real Joy in Relationships
Two new books in the field of positive psychology show us how to find real-life joy in our relationships.
Thoughtful Giving: Make Sure You're Providing Real Help
When I give money to international agencies that work in developing countries, I worry that my money doesn’t reach the intended recipient. How can I be smart about choosing which p…
I Have Just Returned from 10 Days of Silence. . .
I woke up at 4 a.m., meditated a total of 11 hours, and ate my last meal of the day at 11 a.m.—for 10 days. Where to begin?
Natural Approaches for Alleviating Anxiety and Panic
Familiar with debilitating anxiety? Find natural relief.
Eckhart Tolle: The Easier Path
The renowned spiritual teacher on getting stuck in the future and saving the planet.
91-Year-Old Meditation Master Ruth Denison
In the California desert, a vipassana pioneer prepares for the next stage of her remarkable life.
Face to the Floor: How a Buddhist American woman opened her heart to Islam
Omar stood on my doorstep, smiling and peering at me through square, outdated glasses. He placed his hand over his heart in a traditional Muslim greeting and stepped inside. His d…
5 Apps to Quiet Your Mind
From meditation to mental health, try these apps to achieve stillness on the run.
The 8 Limbs of Patanjali
Lessons on living a better life from the father of yoga.
Use Rituals to Ease the Anguish of Loss
Experts and survivors agree—use rituals to ease the anguish of loss. Then practice acts of love to move forward toward a sense of peace.Near midnight on Good Friday, 1990, just hou…
Natural Medicine: Quick Tips for Better Health
I hear that ghee has a higher level of bad cholesterol, but I thought it was better for you than butter. Which is healthier, ghee or butter?Dr. Michael Murray: Ghee is clarified bu…
Candle Gazing and 4 Other Ways to Balance an Overactive Mind
The effects of constantly being “on” can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. Try candle gazing and these other practices to induce stillness and relieve stress.
Surviving Prison
Damien Echols, once on death row, says deepening his study of Western mysticism helped him survive and transcend prison.
Meditation on the Mat
Try yoga nidra for deep relaxation and profound healing.
Creating Balance in Our Lives by Changing the Way We Think
“Balance” is a word I use every day. Did you know we can achieve balance and the lives we want to live by changing how we think?I recently attended a workshop that helped me learn …
Finding Inner Peace, At Summer Camp
Pass the s’mores—and make them vegan! A new brand of sleep-away camp caters to wellness-seeking adults.
Zen Garden
As her family begins the restoration of a traditional Japanese-style garden, Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller receives a teaching of love—and of letting go—in the fleeting beauty of its flowers.
Fresh Start
Try one of our favorite morning rituals to set the right tone for your day.
10 Ways To Improve Memory and Concentration
According to Dr Itzhak Fried, Professor of Neurosurgery and Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA, “We only need to see something once to remember it.” The senior author of a…
5 Tips To Wake Up Your Brain And Enjoy Life
You sleep all night, only to wake up in the morning feeling fuzzy and groggy. What will help wake up your brain so that you can enjoy life every day? Two main ingredients: blood an…
Classical Musician Serenades the Chakras
Musician Miriam Jameson shares the story that inspired her new album.
How Sugar Is Affecting Your Spirituality
Consuming too much sugar harms the body, brain, and spirit. Boost your spirituality by ignoring your sugar cravings.
Life Lessons from the Parking Lot
One-third of the new homeless are living in their vehicles with laptops, tablets, and cellphones. My husband and I were two of them.
Richard Davidson: Advancing the State of Mindfulness
Pathbreaking work by Dr. Davidson is tapping the power of meditation and mindfulness for greater wellness.
To Winter Detox or Not
Winter is here and brings with it shorter days, colder temperatures and, in many climates, less sunshine. It also seems to bring a fair number of holidays that are all about food. …
Centering Around the Chaos
When you have small children, the morning centering routine has to come early. Real early.
Divine Brine for the Dis-Ease of...
The Comparative MindComparing is great for prices at the grocery store, but when we start treating the unique and sacred story of our own life that way, we always invite suffering.…
34 Affirmations for Healthy Living
Try positive self-talk to eat better, feel stronger, and rejuvenate your body.
4 Ways to Focus Your Attention
It’s hard to focus when there’s so much stimuli competing for our attention every second. These tricks can help.
Heart Art mandala'verse: Original Art and Poetry for the Heart
An excerpt from SaraSwati Shakti's new book.
Craniosacral Therapy for Better Sleep
Recent research reveals the restful benefits of craniosacral therapy.
7 Surprising Health Benefits of Silver
Silver has numerous health benefits, including a property that suffocates bacteria.
5 Ways Chocolate Can Keep You Stress-Free
It’s time to stop the stress cycle for good. Here are five ways to indulge in chocolate without the guilt.
Transcending Depression Without a Script
Antidepressants leveled out the highs and lows. So I found ways to supercharge them—to fully experience the agony and the ecstasy. And that feels better…
7 Days to a Healthier You
Free 7-Day Health Meditation Program with Prudence Hall, MD from The Mentors Channel
My Practice: Morning Pages and Ayurveda
Learn how a renowned Ayurvedic and yoga practitioner moves through her day.
The Ultimate Qi Gong Exercise: Lifting the Sky
Qi gong is meditation in motion. The slow, intentional, and mindful flowing movements provide stress relief, induce calm and relaxation, and give you the tool for being in the pres…
My Practice: Mas Vidal
See how a renowned instructor and dedicated yogi and ayurvedic practitioner, Mas Vidal, kicks off his day.
Close to the Ground: The Secret of Abiding Joy
I’m sitting, watching Parker perform her first dance masterpiece. Its baseline is a collection of moves from her gymnastics class. She has layered on top of these most of the compo…
Music’s Body-Mind-Spirit Connection
An excerpt from Body Intelligence by Joseph Cardillo
Why Do We Feel Awe?
According to Dacher Keltner, there are important evolutionary reasons: It's good for our minds, bodies, and social connections.
Our Top 10 Apps for Health & Wellness
Pull out your smartphone and get ready to download these healthy tools.
Best Retreats for the Active Traveler
The spiritual path leads toward “total aliveness” and entails peace and calm and simplicity, but it may also include bucket-list-level indulgence. The problem of course is that the…
Carry-On Wellness
No matter the duration of your flight, it’s important to take good care of yourself. What you do—or don’t do—aboard the plane makes all the difference in the world when…
The Power of We: 3 Ways Qi Gong Can Heal
Sponsored Content from The Chi Center
My Recovery From Nighttime Bingeing
Pretty much every night, for 46 years, I woke up in a semi-hypnotic state and ravaged for food …
Why I’m a Student of Thich Nhat Hanh
“I know of no spiritual teacher or person who more fully embodies peace and compassionate understanding than Thich Nhat Hanh, or Thay, as he is lovingly known by his students.”
Finding Refuge From Anxiety
One author offers her thoughts on taking a 5-week, $500 vacation from anxiety.
How Your Brain Processes Anxiety
For every outward symptom you can see from anxiety, there are even more complex processes happening inside your brain.
10 Best Mists to Spritz
A wonderful way to refresh yourself throughout the day, these aromatic mists can help in a variety of ways.
Drink Tea - It's Good for You!
The delicate new leaves and buds of each new tea shoot contain ingredients that deliver a number of health benefits to our bodies.
Float Tank Into Happiness
Submerge yourself into complete bliss.
How to Get Really Good at Dying
Get comfortable, close your eyes. And say to yourself, over and over again, I might die today. I might die today. I might die today.
8 Ways to Build Your Problem-Solving Intuition
Here are eight ways to build your natural ability to use intuition.
Winter Practices To Support Your Inward Journey
This next month can be fertile ground for renewal of spirit and for clarity of mind and heart.
The Happiness Track: Guilt-Free Time Off
I was wondering how to squeeze in a vacation this summer, and thinking maybe I should work through it or just skip it entirely, with all the other things going one—and suddenly I r…
7 Self-Care Tips During the Holidays
Stop feeling frazzled and find ways to slow down, find balance, and recharge.
Dinacharya: A Yogi’s Routine for a Long and Healthy Life
Align with nature’s rhythm and see your own radical change
3 Popular Meditations For Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD)
Here are three spiritual and holistic techniques that you can use to help you with SAD
What We Still Don’t Know about Mindfulness Meditation
Despite the hype, researchers are still exploring the benefits of meditation and how much practice we need to achieve them.
How to Give to Others Without Burning Out
Research suggests that self-care can reduce stress and exhaustion—if we know how to practice it.
6 Ways to Declutter Your Mind
Let go of unnecessary mind baggage
Share Your Gifts at Burning Man
If you’re into exploring other worlds, altering your sense of gravity, and playing in some of the biggest waves on the planet—you just may want to jump in.
Music and Meditation May Help Avoid Memory Loss
Listening to simple meditation or music boosted cognitive function, study shows.
How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health
Do the aftereffects of traumatic events we suffered as children follow us into adulthood in a physical way? Research about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) proves that enormous…
The Beautiful Sound of Relaxation and Energy
A didgeridoo concert reveals the instrument’s powers to reduce stress, blood pressure, and pain and promote an intense feeling of peace and wellbeing.
Close to the Ground: Just Stuff
One of my sisters hasn’t spoken to me for some 20 years now. I am guessing it’s because I sat next to her ex at a family wedding. He is fun and funny. I laughed a lot. Unskillful i…
How to Practice Self-compassion
The secret to empowered action is learning not to beat yourself up.
How the Body Creates Our Moods
Classic research grounds our moods in the body, not in the head, and points toward simple steps to happiness.
Shift Your Body, Shift Your Mind
At the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, we have worked for the last few years to find ways to help our veterans returning from Iraq an…
5 Practices for Calming Racing Thoughts
Racing thoughts can be overwhelming, confusing, and distressing.
Meaningful Morning
Mornings can be tough. Maybe you like to sleep in as long as you can, and end up getting ready for the day by running around your house like a crazed animal. Maybe you have a basi…
Our Precious Human Birth
Yesterday our meditation group began Chapter 3 of Joseph Goldstein’s One Dharma. It seems fitting, having just finished a retreat, to think about the four “reminders,” or “reflecti…
Review: Haiku as Meditation in "The River of Heaven"
I have always found haiku, with its spare text and deeply penetrating insight, a perfect doorway to meditation. With scarce means—the haiku form allows a mere 17 syllables in…
Zen and the Art of Not Tearing Your Hair Out
If you had a time machine, would you speed forward into the future or relive the past?Someone asked me this once in a car on a road trip, and while my car-mates reminisced about ti…
Great Time at a Meditation Retreat?
Here’s a photo of our local group at our 5-day retreat downstate, which went great, thanks to my co-facilitator Karen’s hard work. I wish we were all in the photo, but a few manage…
5 Small Changes for Big Health Payoffs
Something like seven or eight years ago, with New Year’s Eve just around the corner, I decided to forgo the typical list of grandiose resolutions (Exercise for an hour every day! D…
Pratyahara: Withdrawing the Senses and Feeling Feelings
There’s a principle in Patanjali’s classical text on Yoga, the Yoga Sutras, called pratyahara. It’s usually translated as “withdrawal of the senses,” and it’s a part of the classic…
Nirvana at a Carolina Bus Stop
It wasn’t quite so spring-like yesterday here in Northern Michigan, back to slightly more “normal” temperatures. It’s spring break week around here, which may account for a smaller…
Can Mudita Save the United Nations?
Musings on Buddhism’s ‘Sympathetic Joy’, FOMO and the Global Climate Crisis I have a confession to make: I am in recovery from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I became acutely aware o…
Think You Can't Meditate? Think Again.
If I had a nickel for every person who said to me “I can’t meditate,” I’d be rich. But for the multitudes of people who have busy, focused lives yet say they cannot meditate, there…
Don’t Make These Two Beginner Meditation Mistakes
The two biggest mistakes we make when trying to start a meditation practice: Saying we cannot clear our mind of thoughts, so why try?; and saying we don’t have enough time.First, l…
Laughing Buddha, Laughing Jesus
There’s a line I love from Leonard Cohen, not a song lyric but a remark the singer/songwriter makes between tunes on his “Live in London” album. In the introduction to “Ain’t No…
How to Raise Your Spiritual Vibration
You have the power to up your frequency at any moment. Discover how to raise your spiritual vibration in ten different ways.
The Fallow Field: The Virtue of Doing Nothing
I’ve been spending a lot of my evenings lately sitting at home watching Netflix.Not very romantic, I know. On these evenings, after long days of meetings, teaching, yoga, meditatio…
The Ultimate De-Stressing Daily Routine
Put this anti-stress routine on your to-do list for a more zen approach to daily life.
11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland for Wellbeing
When you decalcify the pineal gland—known as the third-eye chakra—you remove calcium phosphate deposits. This can lead not only to better health and wellbeing but to higher consciousness.
Release Your Stress for a Good Night’s Sleep
Stress can make getting to sleep at night a very real challenge.
When Anxiety Spirals and Mindfulness Isn’t Enough
The world doesn’t stop being confusing and cruel just because we decide to think positively. When anxiety has you gripping the sheets, ask yourself these questions to redirect.
Healing Your Body Holistically
Remember having to wait in line at P.E. class in middle school to be checked for scoliosis? Bending over to touch your toes while some strange doctor checked your back for any abno…
The Wisdom of Uncertainty
One of the best things about yoga, for me, has been learning to tap into the wisdom of my body. We live in a very thinking oriented culture, and when I’ve been worried about someth…
7 Suggestions for How to Spiritually Connect With Nature
Fallen out of alignment with your natural self? Find out how to spiritually connect with nature.
10 Nighttime Routines for Peaceful Sleep
“How can you possibly start your day off bright-eyed and bushy-tailed if you don’t get a proper night’s sleep?”
The Opportunity of Depression
When you think of depression, you most likely think of it as a disease of the brain, a neurochemical imbalance. Research, however, does not support this idea.Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD a…
Creating Calm From Chaos
The issue of stress is rampant in our culture. Mindful Yoga Therapy, supported by Give Back Yoga Foundation, is offering a path to healing for these individuals.
Service: Seane Corn
In our spiritual luminary series, each week we will feature someone who personifies a key spiritual value. In the first installment, we chat with yogi and activist Seane Corn, who …
Meditation Is Hard When You Hate Yourself
Maybe at some point you decided to try meditation. Maybe the practice you began back then fulfills you still. Or maybe not.
The Spiritual Power of the Sun
Welcome the spiritual power of the sun into your awareness first thing every morning. Harness the potential of each day.
Prayers for Our Children
A soon to be mother asked me what prayers she could do for the child in her womb. It brought me back to my days as a pregnant lady. There was a sensation of something incredible on…
Dance Like No One's Watching: How to Get Your Creative Groove Back
“Creativity is God’s will for us and should be practiced like any other spiritual practice – one day at a time.” – Julia CameronAs a child, being creative is a natural part of ever…
Four Legal Entheogens for the Spiritual Explorer
Throughout human history, spiritual seekers have used sacred plants and fungi for healing, visionary encounters, and mystical experience. Though this history has been largely obfus…
Finding Joy in Simplicity
Let go of being weighed down by an overly complicated life.
Why Go Paleo?
One Doctor's Story
3 Legal Entheogens for the Spiritual Explorer
Throughout human history, spiritual seekers have used sacred plants and fungi for healing, visionary encounters, and mystical experience. Though this history has been largely obfus…
How to Find Your Own Personal Miracle Cure
Modern medicine is driven by huge, randomized double-blind trials that may not apply to your own particular genes or lifestyle. Here’s how to join the truly personal medical revolution.
Try This Gut-fulness Meditation
Take a month to figure out what you can and can’t eat.
2014 Holiday Gift Guide
Toolbox: Wearable Health
Take your health into your hands, quite literally, with these finds from S&H.
Which Rest is Best?
A new study suggests cognitive fatigue can be relieved by playing “casual video games.”
Finding Rest in a World that Just Wants You to Keep Going
Step away and create an “oasis time” for restoration, communion, and grace.
What Really Happens When We Meditate
An interview with Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson about their new book, Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body
The Healing Truth
The goal of The World Wisdom Bible is not to create a world religion, but to create peace, 12 coffee cups at a time
5 Ways to Connect With Your Spirit Guide
We can turn to these guides for support and a little nudge when we need help finding the right direction in life.
Tour of the Holy Land
New Moon Meditation: Pause the Breath, Pause the Mind
Try this audio meditation for slowing down the mind.
The Inner Rewards of Yoga: 4 Hard Lessons I Learned
One woman shares her top four lessons learned from practicing Karma Yoga.
Deva Premal & Miten’s 5 Surprising Ways to Make Love Last
Based on their experiences, here are some how to make love last tips.
Is Buddhism True?
An Interview with Robert Wright
Allow Yourself to Rest
We can’t seek the deepest rest. We can relax the activity that obstructs our contact with it.
3 Best Practices for Future Happiness
“We all want our future self to be happy, so we ask: ‘What can I do to relieve this person’s suffering?’
Gentle Winter Cleanse: A Mid-Holiday Reset
Take these classic Ayurvedic autumn meals and turn them into an early winter cleanse.
The Art of Dreaming — Becoming Aware of Your Inner Landscape
Adapted excerpt from Leopard Warrior by John Lockley.
The Power of the Moon
Tap into the power of the moon with these easy practices for moon spirituality.
Being in the Flow of Heartache and Pain
Yoga and mindfulness can help us recognize that our discomfort has a flow.
Byron Katie, the Inquirist
An interview with with the founder of The Work and author of numerous best-selling books Byron Katie.
5 Ways to Protect Your Brain from Cognitive Decline
The five lifestyle pillars to prevent brain decline.
A Goddess of Post Traumatic Growth: Nilapataka Nitya
This goddess encourages us to courageously churn the oceans of our inner selves, to explore the painful feelings and old traumas in our psyches and let them teach us something.
Meditation Medication: Grounding for Anxiety or Overwhelm
The first in three-part meditation series inspired by Ayurveda.
Medication Meditation Part 3: Energizing for Lethargy, Sluggishness, or Emotional Blockage
Get a boost of energy with this Ayurveda inspired audio meditation.
Guided Meditation and Breath Practice for Balancing Your Energy
Start or end your day with this breath practice.
Trauma is an Integrative Experience that Requires Integrative Healing
Trauma affects all the systems of the body, mind, soul and spirit; its treatment must go beyond talk centered therapies.
Fall's Must-Reads
Create A Living Ritual
No matter your spirituality or background, it's possible to turn every day into a living, breathing ritual. Explore how one author transformed her life by doing so.
Food Sensitivities and Gut Repair
Scientific researchers are clear that food intolerances are different from allergies and may take longer to show up in the body than allergies.
5 Signs You’re Suffering from Toxic Stress
If these signs feel familiar, here's what you can do about it.
Dosha-licious: Pitta Radiant
Pitta, you are the light of the world. You bring us color, vision, clarity, focus, enthusiasm, adventure!
5 Tips for Holiday Stress Management
Here are a few tips for keeping calm and taking care during the holiday season.
Rewiring My Brain
“So, what are you doing now?” my well-meaning friends would ask after I had quit my job with no apparent employment or other occupation in sight. The only honest answer I could give was to say, “I’m rewiring my brain.”
If You Want To... Invest in a Wellness Program
10 powerful paths toward finding optimum wellness—and a better you.
If You Want To... Quiet Your Mind
There are different kinds of quiet, and each one creates its own rest.
Meaningful Rituals for Winter Solstice
How you can create some new traditions to celebrate the winter solstice.
Showing Up for What Is
The contemplative life of women mystics.
40 Days to a Lean, Calm, Energized & Happy Self
An interview with Sara Gottfried MD
5 Questions with Lissa Rankin
1. In The Daily Flame, you offer guidance from the “Inner Pilot Light.” How do you help others to recognize their own light? I use what Richard Schwartz PhD, founder of Internal …
Toolbox: More Tools for Cleaning Your Brain
These picks by S&H will help your mind stay sharp and clear.
Guided Meditation for Stress Relief: Breathing With the Pelvic Floor
A guided meditation to release tension.
Explore CBD
In our special section we explore CBD from a variety of angles. Dive in to get up to speed on this huge trend.
Recovery Trekking: A Spiritual Approach to Recovery from Addiction
"I realized at some point along my own journey that alcohol was not my problem; I was my problem, and I was unconsciously using alcohol to change my reality."
Dreams at the Edge of Sleep
Liminal dreaming is a remarkable mind state, one you can channel for creativity or problem solving, use as a form of metacognition to explore your thought processes, or simply play with as a form of consciousness exploration.
Create an Intentional Morning Routine
There is a sacredness that is found in the first moments of the morning. While it may feel overwhelming to change your entire morning routine in one day, consider slowly adding components to it that will set the tone for your day.
Science & Spirit: Sleeping, Dogs, Uncertainty
This week, learn why adopting a dog is a lot like dating; how to deal with uncertainty; and sneaky ways to reset your body clock. Want to know more? Read on.
3 Sense Practices to Calm Anxiety
Our senses offer an immediate doorway to the present moment, and there are potent added benefits to these three sensory experiences. Try one the next time your stress and anxiety m…
The Shirt off My Back
Would you give the shirt off your back? This practice has brought the author joy and challenges.
Thriving as an Empath
For 20 years, Judith Orloff has helped make being an empath “something that caring characters would aspire towards.” She shares practices from a lifetime of overcoming shame and creating empowerment.
6 Crystals to Help You Sleep
Find the right crystal for your sleep issue, and you'll soon be lost in dreamland.
Ten Ways to Ease Inflammation
Turn the inflammation dial down with these nutrition and lifestyle tips.
5 Things You Can Do to Decrease Systemic Inflammation That Have Nothing to Do with Food
“While dietary change is a great first line of defense, calming inflammation calls for a multi-faceted approach that delves into all aspects of lifestyle.”
How Listening to Your Gut Can Curb Anxiety: An Eater’s Guide
Creating balance in your gut can help to alleviate your anxiety.
Trauma Shake
Mind-body medicine pioneer Dr. James S. Gordon shares a technique to shake loose trauma from the body.
7 Tools to Ease Anxiety at Family Gatherings
These tools will help you keep your cool through the chaos of the holidays.
Self-Care Secrets for Your Busy Lifestyle
How do we remain healthy while successfully navigating a type-A lifestyle?
Surviving the Holidays
A Sound Bath: Ways to Use Sound and Music to Promote Wellbeing
“Sound and music can quickly alter your mood, affecting your subconscious mind. Listening to music is a relatively inexpensive, easily accessible solution to elevate your awareness and your emotional states.”
6 Ways to Keep Technology from Hijacking Your Holidays
“Technology has changed our behavior drastically, and yet we are still humans—social beings who crave connection and affection, who eat, sleep, laugh, cry, and love.”
Meditation Apps: Do They Work for Us or Against Us?
"Meditation takes practice, and in the beginning, like any new skill, meditation can seem challenging."
Training to Die Awake
Dying awake is a journey rather than a single moment during the dying process. There’s a rigor, and there’s a letting go.
6 Ways to Fight Holiday Insomnia
An expert in cognitive behavioral therapies targeting better sleep provides six strategies to help you ward off sleeplessness during the holidays.
7 Ways to Deal With Toxic Family Members Over the Holidays
If you know there’ll be at least one toxic relative to face this holiday season, here's how to protect yourself and navigate your way forward as sanely and serenely as possible.
Build a Better Morning with Ayurveda
Integrative psychiatrist Judith Pentz, MD, shares six ways Ayurveda can rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.
20 Creative (and Shame-Free) New Year’s Resolutions
Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure by making promises we can’t keep or by initiating resolutions steeped in self-blame.
The Effects of Yoga Nidra on the Brain
Yoga nidra affects the brain by shifting brain waves into a beneficial state of regeneration and repair.
Brain Wash: Rewire Your Brain for Healthier Habits
Drs. David and Austin Perlmutter explain how we can rewire our brains to develop healthier habits.
7 Myths of Self-Care and the Truth of Building Resilience
Self-care is not a luxury. In order to build resilience, putting yourself first is critical. Here are seven of the self-care roadblocks we erect and how to break through them to find love and compassion for ourselves.
5 Ways to Supercharge Your Resilience
Resilience can help you meet life’s biggest challenges. Discover how embracing specific lifestyle habits can help you build resilience.
Befriending Nightmares
Don’t run away. Engaging with dreams—even nightmares—can teach us a lot about our emotional selves.
Acceptance: The Surprising Antidote to Suffering
“We tend to think of stress as something that happens outside of ourselves; something that happens to us. But science is showing that it’s not the stressors in our life, but how we perceive them that determines how much we suffer.”
Self-Trust: Two Secrets to Try
We can’t second-guess every choice we make. So how do we know what it means for something to feel right?
Understanding the Fungus in Your Gut
Everyone knows the importance that bacteria plays in gut health, but what about fungus? Understanding how to balance your mycobiome, or the ecosystem of fungus that lives in the gut, is crucial for maintaining good health.
A Good Night’s Sleep
Is anything better than waking up refreshed? Are you unable to answer that question because you don’t remember what waking up refreshed feels like? We can relate. Read on if you or anyone you love needs tips on how to get a good night's sleep.
Stressed Out? Make a Checklist.
This one simple strategy can help you significantly reduce your anxiety and stress.
A Celtic Quest: Wellness Tour of Ireland
Experience Ireland on a wellness tour with singer-songwriter Tara O’Grady, author of Migrating Toward Happiness, the inspirational memoir that reveals how to awaken your soul’s blissful state of being.
5 Natural Ways to Deal With Eczema
Science-backed, natural treatments to soothe insanely itchy eczema.
COVID-19: Resources to Help You Stabilize
There is so much happening in the world right now that we have no control over. Here are some resources to help you reconnect to your heart and find stability.
Dealing with COVID-19: 5 Ways to Control Coronavirus Anxiety
Is coronavirus news ramping up your anxiety? Does the thought of social distancing make you fret? Try these five strategies to help you cope.
Keeping Stay-at-Home Kids Healthy
Kids stuck at home due to coronavirus pandemic? Here are some ways to keep them mentally and physically fit.
Neurodharma: Brain Science and Spirituality
Psychologist Rick Hanson shares how meditation changes the wiring in our brain, how to make your practice your own, and how science and contemplative practice are connected.
All the Feels: How Feeling Your Feelings Can Teach You to Heal
“We do not get to choose what feelings arise or how intensely we feel them. Our only choice is in how we relate to them.”
Breath: Breathing Advice From an Expert
In his book Breath, veteran journalist James Nestor explains the fundamental importance of how we breathe and why “the conclusion was always the same. When it comes to breathing, less almost always equals more.”
Four Ways to Social Distance Without Screens
When we are on screens so much, it is important to find ways to relax and recharge without them. Here are some simple ideas.
5 Ways to Practice Grounding for Spiritual Renewal
“Thirty minutes spent grounded and expressing yourself through visual arts is 30 minutes of fresh, pure creative energy flowing through your body and infusing your cells—to flush old energy out and wash in new life, giving energy on a spiritual level! … A renewal of spirit.”
A Centering Prayer
"After experiencing silence and surrender in yoga, I returned to ancient Christian prayer techniques and postures with renewed interest and a willingness to be playful. In the process, I discovered prayer practices that have opened places in my heart to which I didn’t previously have access."
Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Witchiest Medicine of the West?
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are modern-day witches—swapping potions and rituals for age-old proven herbal medicine formulas, acupuncture, moxa burning, and more—providing healing power not only to physical beings, but also to mind and spirit.
Books We Love
This year, our Books We Love section examines self-care from an ayurvedic perspective, how food affects mental health and immunity, and how to cultivate a moon practice, and more.
Beautiful Dreamer
Andrew Holecek wants to change the way you dream, and then change the way you live.
29 Ways to Let It All Go
Maybe you’ve come across one of those bumper stickers that reads Let That #$!% Go, or you’ve seen a T-shirt with the same expression and a serene image of Buddha. But how to let go?
From medical appointments to yoga classes, the world has gone virtual—and it’s working. Brandi-Ann Uyemura digs into the future of care.
Just Be: How Doing Nothing Sparks Creativity
“In terms of achievement, relaxing and ‘doing nothing’ can be extremely beneficial for nurturing creativity.”
4 Animal-Inspired Tips for Better Sleep
If you're looking for ways to naturally sleep better at night, where better to look than in nature?
My Wooden Bowl: Container of Contentment?
“I was intrigued three decades ago when I learned that Mahatma Ghandi ate all of his food out of one bowl. I decided to emulate him, starting with a medium-sized very plain wooden bowl that someone had already given me as a gift.”
12 Reasons to Yawn Every Day
Is a yawn simply a silent scream for coffee or is it something more? Understand why yawning is a spiritual practice, and how you can include more of it in your daily routine.
Five Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition
Get tips on how to strengthen your intuition, the critical tool you use to listen to that inner voice that often knows the best way forward.
Don't Tell Me To Relax: Emotional Resilience in the Age of Rage
Meditation teacher and psychotherapist Ralph De La Rosa, author of Don't Tell Me to Relax, offers advice for living fully through difficult times.
Shhh ... a Silent Retreat Guide
“A silent retreat is a gift to yourself to recalibrate, to connect, to learn about yourself in a beautiful way. In such a way that you can only get when your basic needs are taken care of and you are given the time, space, and instruction to meditate in silence.”
Health Expert Patricia Bragg on Stress Release
“We are all suffering from some kind of stress overload these days, which can cause chronic fatigue, anxiety attacks, insomnia, depression, mood swings, and burnout. What’s the answer? How can we find relief?”
Mindful Eating: The Benefits and How to Start
Mindful eating means being intentional about what, when, and how you eat. It can become more intuitive the more you practice.
Reinventing the Season of Advent
It’s holiday season. Take advent beyond the four walls of your own home.
Spiritual Radicals: A New Spirituality
These seven spiritual leaders represent a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and traditions. They are creating change on the ground, touching lives, and helping to define the future of spirituality.
Increase Ojas to Strengthen Your Immune System
Incorporate Ayurvedic eating principles into your life to increase ojas and support your immune system.
Become a Soul Nerd
(Re)learn to read deeply. The mental stillness required for a long read allows your mind to formulate a moral position. This kind of bibliotherapy provides a healing place for the soul.
A Playlist For Nervous Cats
Parent to a nervous cat? Body-Mind-Spirit connection isn't just for the humans—help your cat cultivate its inner peace through music.
6 Lesser-Known Ways to Beat Burnout
Are you burned out? It may feel insurmountable at times. The key is finding strategies that work for you. To start ... avoid numbing, feed your soul.
Menopause Symptoms Got You Down? Here’s How to Stay Positive
Menopause symptoms are a harsh reality of life. But “they should be seen not so much as the end of the reproductive years but as the beginning or rebirth of a whole new you.”
Seven Buddhist Lessons in Gratitude
Gratitude is powerful. Building your sense of thankfulness the Buddhist way.
The Rest Story
The foundation of mental, physical, and spiritual health is rest. Four rest experts provide insight on sacred rest.
Befriending the Vagus Nerve
Explore the most accessible ways to achieve natural vagus nerve stimulation.
Energy Meditation for Healing Yourself After Illness, Injury, or Surgery
Wounded in body or spirit? A energy meditation can assist with healing and recovery.
Reclaim Rest: A Rest-Guided Meditation to Help You Connect to Calm Instantly
Reclaim rest with a rest guided meditation that will take you on a journey of self-exploration.
8 Sleep Gadgets So Unusual They Might Just Work
Is sleep eluding you? Some unexpected tools may help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
Examen Practice: Following the Thread
An examen practice can assist in finding and interpreting the thread of spirituality that is always in your life.
Coaxing Your Adrenals Back to Health
Intuitive healing practitioner Muneeza Ahmed lists eight steps to get your energy back.
Clink, Rustle, Clack, Swoosh: The Basics and Benefits of ASMR
ASMR calms and engages with materials that clink, rustle, clack, swoosh, brush, smoosh, and slurp.
To Breathe Perchance to Dream
Slow, deep, diaphragmatic—breathwork sounds, and is, so beneficial for treating insomnia. But they call it work for a reason.
Setting Your Ayurvedic Clock
The Ayurvedic clock tells time in 4-hour dosha blocks. One of these is optimal for falling asleep; another for the best rest.
The Sleep-Tech Boom: Can We Measure, Map, and Hack Our Way to Better Zs?
When it comes to improving sleep, do measuring apps and biohacks help or hinder? The answer isn’t the same for everyone.
Podcast: Tracee Stanley, Radiant Rest and Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra lineage holder Tracee Stanley doesn’t want you to fear rest.
Guided Meditation: Connecting to Spirit
Spirit is always with you in whatever form makes sense to you.
Parasympathetic Stimulation: How to Improve Your Vagal Tone
Cold therapy, vocalization, and socializing are just three of six ways to improve vagal tone and reduce stress.
Napping Now
Lying down during the day can lower stress, boost productivity, and help you sleep at night.
5 Vibrational Healing Methods for Chronic Pain and Body Aches
Vibrational healing isn’t new, but it has recently become more mainstream.
Imagery as a Spiritual Practice
Let your imagination lead you into an inner realm of emotional discovery and spiritual growth.
The Art of Lucid Living—Learning Death’s Secret
Steve Jobs understood Death’s Secret and was a master of Lucid Living.
Realistic Mindfulness
“The most important thing determining the quality of your life is your mind and your own ability to master your mind.”
Transpersonal Psychology
“Whereas conventional psychology has traditionally looked at so-called ordinary experiences and mental illness, transpersonal psychology is interested in non-ordinary experiences.”
Benefits of Catnip … For Humans Too!
Repel mosquitos, chill out, and get a good night’s sleep with catnip.
Be Happy the Greco-Roman Way
You can thank the ancients for everything from democracy to libraries, the alphabet to zoology. What do they say about happiness?
6 Ways to Improve Gut Health With Vibrational Energy Healing
Vibrational energy healing has a direct correlation to our overall health and wellbeing, especially our gut health.
Do a Sacred Home Cleanse Using Vibrational Energy Clearing
Just like our physical bodies, our homes can become cluttered with energy that doesn’t serve us.
Repeat After You: 3 Unexpected Benefits of Chanting
Chanting a mantra can counter dementia, help you sleep, and more.
Breathwork for Anxiety
Breathwork is an active form of meditation in which you manipulate your breath to change the way you feel.
3 Mindfulness Practices to Improve Your Ability to Lead
Chrissy Holm details three mindfulness practices that can improve your ability to lead others, as well as yourself during times of stress or discomfort.
5 Powerful Crystals for the Full Moon
Use these full moon crystals to receive deep insights and downloads from the higher spiritual realms.
Giving Experiences: 15+ Experiential Gifts for Loved Ones
Giving and receiving gifts can be a true joy. But accumulating more things can feel like a burden.
Have You Tried Mimicked Fasting?
Mindful mimicked fasting combines a novel formula of nutrients with deep spiritual connection.
Cancer and Canopy: The Healing Power of Forest Bathing
Researchers are continuing to learn what role forests play in everything from human happiness to cancer treatment.
How Macaques, Birds, and Cats Can Improve Your Meditation
Acknowledging other animals’ capacity for still minds might be a helpful tool for quieting our own.
Tuning In to the Wisdom of Winter
Winter marks another completion around the sun—a perfect occasion to contemplate what’s most important to us.
Sensing a Traumaversary
On a tragic anniversary—a traumaversary—ask yourself: What does your body need?
Get Grounded for the New Year
Connect to the earth with a 15-minute grounding meditation to calm anxieties and manifest desires.
Enlightened Dog Training Tips
Enlightened dog training offers a peaceful approach to communicating with canines.
Practical, Proven, and Surprising Solutions for Your Sleep Problems
ABC News anchor/correspondent Diane Macedo’s new book is titled The Sleep Fix: Practical, Proven, and Surprising Solutions for Insomnia, Snoring, Shift Work, and More.
6 Ways to Ease Acroparesthesia
Acroparesthesia is often a burning feeling in your hands or feet and can cause pain, discomfort, and anxiety.
Sound Healing: What’s Your Solfeggio Frequency?
Sound healing benefits include stress relief, better focus, and energy alignment. And it all depends on the frequency you’re listening to.
Do You Need an Emotional Detox? Five Signs and Their Symptoms
Are you suffering from these emotional detox symptoms? It may be time to make a change.
4 Water Meditation Techniques
Find some water—in a fountain, a pool, infused in a glass on your nightstand—and balance your energy center with water meditations.
Spiritual and Health Benefits of Candle Gazing
Candle gazing benefits your vision, cognitive function, yoga and meditation practices, and more.
How to Embrace Divine Timing
You get to feel, sense, decide, and direct the life that lights you up. This is the call of divine timing.
Where to Find a Spiritual Emergence Coach
Meditation, yoga, retreats, and intensives can accelerate growth but sometimes result in disorientation and an urgent need for radical change in work, relationships, and personal values. We can learn how to manage this within ourselves and to support others.
The Good Noise: Sound Medicine Works
While researchers are still exploring the mechanism of sound medicine, studies show that sound therapy boosts spiritual wellbeing and reduces anxiety and pain.
How to Identify and Work With Your Power Animal
Supporter power animals offer potent energetic medicine, wisdom, and teachings. Your core power animal is with you every day for your entire lifetime.
Anxiety Toolkit: Naming Your Anxiety and Sending It a Message
Wrapping your arms around anxiety is about speaking directly and compassionately to your anxiety.
Dr. Susan Sands on the Pleasures of Living in an Aging Body
“Not letting ourselves age is a way of not letting ourselves live.”
Keep Meditating
Part of our happiness experience comes from allowing ourselves to be in relationship with all of our life experiences, without labeling them good, bad, or neutral.
Is Hypnosis a Faster Form of Therapy?
Hypnosis can help you get to the root of an issue quickly. It’s increasingly being used as a supplement to psychoanalysis.
How to Be Happier—the Buddhist Way
Humans lean toward the negative, but we can overcome this tendency. Discover five Buddhism-inspired ways to be happier right now.
Fall Asleep Listening to Bedtime Stories for Adults
Having a hard time falling asleep? Listen to a boring story.
How to Avoid Place Blindness
Place blindness is a form of apathy that sets in when we don’t spend enough time outdoors. Overcome place blindness “to feel alive, to feel good.”
5 Best Crystals for Focus
Can’t concentrate? Wear, carry, or display fluorite and other crystals for focus.
Self-Consent: A Self-Love Practice
Learn to listen to your internal yes and no signals. Teach your body that what you want matters.
Finding Sleep
Defining yourself as someone with sleep problems can compound them. It’s time to wake up to winding down.
19 Cooling Practices
Struggling to escape the heat? Cool it with tips from Ayurveda, yoga, Western herbalism, traditional Chinese medicine, and everyday common sense.
A Ritual-Full Life
“Every time I have gathered in community ritual or personal ceremony, I have experienced a healing.”
The Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice
The spiritual meaning of the summer solstice is tied to warmth, fertility, and harvest. Celebrate energetically!
3 DIY Crystal Mists to Calm, Boost, and Manifest
Create adaptogenic, crystal-infused face and body mists to revitalize and boost balance.
Your Spiritual Growth Is a Risk to Other Peoples’ Lives
When we walk the path of personal transformation, our actions are no longer only for ourselves. They affect the world.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Thunder Moon
Feeling wilted in the middle of summer? Channel the spiritual energy of thunderstorms and heat with July’s Thunder Moon.
How To Break Free From Parental Anxiety
Learn how to move away from anxiety about raising children, and into a place of balance and ease.
Letting Go of Anger—the Buddhist Way
Discover six practices rooted in Buddhist teaching that can dissipate anger.
How to Cleanse the Mind and Body with Yoga
If you're feeling stagnant and in need of renewal, try one of these yoga cleanse techniques.
Why Ditching Alcohol Could Lead to a Happier Menopause
Learn why mixing alcohol and menopause can be a recipe for unease.
Settle the Nervous System: A Meditation for Calm and Self-Compassion
Soothe yourself from the inside out with this gentle meditation.
Care Tips: the Eyebrows
Your eyebrows are a major source of emotional expression. Even if they are masked, we can often tell what a person is feeling based on eyes and eyebrows alone. What are your eyebrows doing right now?
Spiritual Self-Care for Lung Season
Nourish your lungs this fall and winter by keeping warm, processing grief, and releasing emotions that aren't helpful anymore.
3 Tips to Sneak More Rest Into Your Day This Fall (Even If You Have a Lot Going On)
Now matter how much time you have, these strategies will help you feel more rested and energized all season long.
Is Holistic Wellness an Alzheimer's Solution?
The founder of Northwest Memory Care Center explores a potential healing regimen for Alzheimer's—one backed by research data.
10 Underrated Ways to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle
Utilize one (or all!) of these tips to become healthier day by day.
10 Health Benefits of Meditation for Seniors
Explore how meditation can provide profound health benefits, especially for seniors.
The Spiritual Meaning of November’s Beaver Moon
The November full moon is the perfect time to wrap up projects and turn inward for the winter. Explore the spiritual meaning of the Beaver Moon.
5 Ayurvedic Tips for Thriving During the Holidays
Ayurvedic wisdom can help us have a healthier and happier holiday season—learn how with these five tips.
4 Practices to Transform Holiday Stress
Use these mindful methods to prepare for the holiday season with greater ease and less anxiety.
Fall and Winter: The Seasons of Divine Feminine Energy
Learn how to embrace divine feminine energy this autumn and winter as the nights grow long and cold.
How to Use Alchemy for Better Sleep
Use the ancient art of alchemy to transform wakefulness into a good night’s sleep—the process is easier (and less mystical) than you might think.
The Best Gifts 2022
For this year’s gift guide, we asked S&H contributors and readers for some of their favorite gifts—gifts they’ve given or received, or even gifts they wish had been exchanged.
The Spiritual Meaning of the December Full Moon
Connect with the spiritual meaning of the December full moon and the wisdom it offers us for slowing down.
19 Ayurvedic Tips for Insomnia
If you’re tossing and turning or just can’t get a restful night’s sleep, Ayurveda may have just the wisdom you need.
An Ayurvedic Approach to Treating Acne
Suffering from acne? Ayurveda may have the answers you need to clear your skin.
Meditation Practice as the Music of Our Lives
Meditation allows us to find the "rests" in the music of life—learn how with one particular lineage of practice.
5 Lessons From Lunar New Year to Support Sleep
Use these five lessons to start the Year of the Rabbit on the right foot by making sleep a priority and allowing an abundance of rest to hop through your front door.
5 Simple Ayurvedic Self-Care Tips
Ayurvedic self-care offers holistic, sustainable ways to nourish your body for the long term. These five tips will help you manage your life with more ease.
Trauma Stewardship Tips for Animal Lovers
It's important for animal advocates of all kinds to take care of themselves. Discover some top tips on how to steward trauma instead of letting it consume you.
14 Positive Morning Strategies to Curb Anxiety
Struggling to get up in the morning and feeling anxious? Experiment with these 14 techniques to start the day strong.
How to Use Ayurveda for Fibromyalgia
The ancient “science of life” offers potential healing for chronic pain and fatigue—explore how to utilize Ayurveda for fibromyalgia.
5 Movement Practices for Menopause
During menopause, the body’s needs change. Try these five options for different ways to move the body during this transition.
30 Soothing Bedtime Mantras for Better Sleep
Use one of these thirty affirmations to sink into a deep, restful sleep tonight.
Creating a Forest Apothecary Garden to Manage Anxiety
Take your outdoor self-care to the next level this spring. Explore how creating a forest apothecary garden can help manage anxiety.
8 Ayurvedic Tips to Support the Nervous System
After periods of stress and deep anxiety, our nervous systems need nourishment. See if one of these eight Ayurvedic methods can support you.
3 Causes of Migraines (and Holistic Tips to Manage Them)
Traditional treatments not cutting it for migraine management? Explore the root of migraines and some potential options for support.
Practices for Shattered Nights
"March 11th was a normal day, filled with typical responsibilities and joys, concerns and endeavors, practices and distractions. March 12th, I awoke to a new normal…"
8 Ayurvedic Tips for Aging Gracefully
The western medical model would have us believe that aging is a curse, while Ayurveda holds a more holistic, optimistic perspective. These eight tips can support healthy aging for all.
The Spiritual Meaning of Insomnia
Is it an overactive nervous system, or is it unprocessed emotions keeping you awake at night? Learn more about the spiritual meaning of insomnia to get a better night's sleep.
5 Yoga Poses for Lowering Inflammation
Yoga can be a powerful aid to people experiencing aches and swelling in the body. Try these five yoga poses to lower inflammation.
Should You Retire or Rewire?
Entering midlife brings with it many challenges, opportunities, and questions. Rabbi Rami shares his thoughts following a conversation with Chip Conley for the S+H podcast.
How to Accept What You Don't Choose
The process of acceptance can be deeply healing. Explore how one spiritual leader manages chronic pain through self-compassion and acceptance.
Chuang Tzu’s Butterfly and Me
When you can no longer distinguish between your waking and dream lives, how do you view your Self? Rabbi Rami shares his thoughts.
Podcast: Andrea Sherman, Practices for Shattered Nights
How can life’s most difficult struggles also be blessings? Andrea Sherman explains, and shares her own experience with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder and how it's affected her spirituality.
10 Benefits of Nose Breathing (and How to Do It)
Learn more about the benefits of nose breathing for your health—it might just change your life.
The Spiritual Meaning of Litha
Litha, a pagan summer holiday, marks the longest day of the year. Explore more about the spiritual meaning of Litha and what it represents.
5 Health Benefits of Stargazing
Have you looked up at the cosmos lately? Learn all about the health benefits of stargazing.
How to Mindfully Photograph Animal Roommates
Our animal chaplain gives the scoop on the most ethical, mindful ways to snap pics of our beloved animal friends.
The Key to a Good Night's Sleep
Explore how one app is helping people fall asleep each and every night with their library of soothing sleep tracks.
5 Must-Have Tools to Turn Fight-or-Flight Into Rest-and-Digest
Use these five creative tools to shift from the sympathetic nervous system into the parasympathetic nervous system.
Overcoming Fear—the Buddhist Way
If you feel caught in a fear loop, work with these five Buddhist methods to ground yourself.
Brian Cox
Brian Cox was born in Kenya in 1960. A three-time winner of the President’s Trophy at Seattle University, he received a Master of Arts in Holistic Studies in Mind-Body Regulation f…
How Meditation Can Help Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
A seasonal affective disorder expert and light therapy pioneer shares how mindfulness can strongly support other treatments for SAD.
The Wisdom of Hesitation
Ever caught yourself waiting before making a decision, but not knowing why? Explore how hesitation can be a meaningful manifestation of intuition.
Struggling to Relax? Try Softening Instead
Does a yoga instructor’s cue of “just relax” cause you to tense up even more? Experiment with the act of softening.
6 Common Meditation Myths (and Their Solutions)
A somatics coach and meditation instructor debunks six myths about why you feel you can’t meditate. What's holding you back?
The Best Meditation for Each Ayurvedic Dosha
Not every type of meditation is suited for everyone. Which style of meditation is best for your dosha?
The Benefits of Rock Climbing After 50
For one author, rock climbing became an empowering bastion of physical and mental well-being and an unexpected source of community. Explore the benefits of this exciting practice.
Sadness Medicine: Discover the Purpose of Your Sadness
Sadness, while deeply uncomfortable, has a purpose and lesson to teach us. What medicine can your sadness offer you?
7 Ways to Add Cannabis to Your Wellness Routine
Explore these simple ways to incorporate cannabis into your daily routine.
Reboot Your Nervous System With Yoga Nidra
When your nervous system needs a reset, try yoga nidra. Learn more about the power and benefits of this practice.
Circadian Rhythms: How to Light Your Way to Better Sleep
Aligning your daily routine with the rhythm of day and night can drastically improve your sleep.
10 Techniques to Build Resilience
These ten skills can help you navigate through murky waters with grace and wisdom and build reserves of strength for the future.
The Spiritual Meaning of Februalia
At winter's halfway point, take time to honor the past year's losses and harness the cleansing power of fire. Learn more about the spiritual meaning of Februalia.
The Spiritual Meaning of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a complicated but common condition. When Western medicine offers no explanation, you may want to explore the spiritual meaning of endometriosis.
The Latest on Herbs for Anxiety
Our lead digital editor reports on one master herbalist's suggestions for our current age of anxiety.
Healing Our Inner Wounds
Explore sage advice and a powerful 12-minute guided meditation from psychotherapist Andrea Wachter that can help you embrace your emotions and experience healing and relief.
Qi Gong: An Ancient Antidote for Modern Stress
Qi gong master Lee Holden teaches how to return to the body for balance, peace, and vitality.
Amandla Stenberg and 'The Force'
Actress Amandla Stenberg and her mother Karen Brailsford explore the spiritual foundations shaping Stenberg's life, including her role in The Acolyte.
A Nervous System Healing Protocol for Chronic Pain and Illness
When we take time out of our lives and focus on healing, chronic pain and illness may become easier to manage.
The Spiritual Meaning of Snoring
The body is always trying to communicate with us, and when we snore, the body is literally “speaking” to get our attention. Let’s explore the spiritual meaning of snoring.
3 Tips to Begin Your Meditation Practice
There is a wealth of inner peace within each of us that, for many, remains untapped. A Buddhist scholar and meditation teacher offers insights to spark your meditation practice.
Spiritual Lessons from Panic Attacks
A clinical counselor and naturopathic physician explores a spiritual perspective to healing panic attacks from the source.
3 Hand Mudras to Reduce Bedtime Anxiety
These three yogic hand gestures will help ground your energy and soothe your mind, making it easier to drift off to sleep peacefully.
How a Digital Detox Can Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
Discover how a digital detox can awaken your intuition, boost inner peace, and enhance your spiritual well-being.
Wellness and Spirituality Amid the Stresses of Being a Student
Modern students often deal with academic pressures and financial constraints. Here’s how tapping into their spirituality and wellness can help them cope.
Dissipating Stormy Moods with Love
Licensed psychotherapist and podcast host Nikki Walton shares ways to navigate stormy “inner weather” through the power of Love.
Me and the Dalai Lama: Rabbi Rami’s Experience with Metta
Rabbi Rami Shapiro reminisces on his meeting the Dalai Lama and shares a Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice to cultivate loving-kindness.
Practice the Art of Affectionate Witnessing
Affectionate witnessing is about being fully present with a person without trying to fix, judge, or add our own agenda. Learn how it can support your relationships with others, as well as your relationship with yourself.
Love Your Monkey
When we surrender to our True Nature, we don't become less human ... we become fully human.
Enlightened Perspectives: Deva Premal & Miten: How Mantra Heals
Discover how Deva Premal and Miten blend love, music, and spirituality, sharing the healing power of mantras from Costa Rica to their global community.
Ancient Health Secrets
Unlock holistic health insights from ancient traditions. Dive into age-old practices that blend diet, spirituality, and stress management for vibrant living.
Befriending Death: Creative Ways to Explore Mortality and Why It Matters
Befriending death is not a single event but a lifelong journey. Explore practical ways to make peace with mortality.
Find Your Peace: How to Create an Indoor Meditation Sanctuary
Creating a meditation sanctuary is all about finding what works for you. These tips will help you cultivate a relaxing environment.
4 Steps to Freedom: Using Sensation-Based Coaching to Heal Core Wounds
Learn about the four-step Core Wound Discovery process and how somatic coaching can help you heal core wounds.
You Are Not the Doer
What if you are not the one living your life ... but actually, life is living you?
9 Creative Strategies for Releasing Habits as You Age
When a habit has existed for years or even decades, releasing it can be challenging. These nine compassionate tips can help you make steady change.
The Magic of Slowing Down
Qi gong master Lee Holden shares powerful practices to bring more presence and pleasure into your life.