Top 173 results for “covid-19”

Show You Care—Wear a Mask
“Wearing a mask in public is a deliberate act of caring for others … a concrete way to live the challenge to love your neighbor as yourself.”

Altruism on Your Death Bed
A living will relinquishing your ventilator to a younger, healthier sick person can help spare our healthcare heroes from extra grief and pain.

Homeschooling Mindfulness Meditation
Consider teaching your child mindfulness during this period of homeschooling.

Are You There, God? It’s Me: Coronavirus
Finding God—and yourself—in a pandemic. Is there divine meaning?
Growing in Place
"And though I wish this siege of disease wasn’t upon us, I am already grateful. For this is a forced time of root-dwelling and a renewal of all we know to be true."
Is Anything More Important Than Living?
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick doth proclaim: “There are more important things than living.” Are there?
Removing the Veils: Seeing Ourselves in the New Light of Forced Change
“I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to feel about being in isolation or quarantine in this unprecedented situation. ... We are being stripped—like Inanna in the underworld—and we are being offered the gift of hard-won wisdom.”
COVID-19: Fearless Love Is Needed
“If we are going to survive as a species worthy of survival, we will have to get beyond the limits of ‘us’ verses ‘them’ and open to the truth of all of us together.”
Condolences in the Days of COVID-19
Someone you know has died due to COVID-19. Here’s the script on writing your gentle condolences.
Mindfulness, Itchy Eyes, and Protecting Yourself From COVID-19
In the age of COVID-19, mindfulness is a way to stay safe.
COVID-19: Resources to Help You Stabilize
There is so much happening in the world right now that we have no control over. Here are some resources to help you reconnect to your heart and find stability.
Returning Home: An American Expat Evacuates India During COVID-19
Read about a difficult journey home from India during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19: The Physical and Metaphysical Pandemic
In the face of pandemic, there remain milestones—and growth—worth celebrating.
The Connection Between Yogic Breathing and COVID-19
Learn a breathing technique to rev up your immune system.
Dealing with COVID-19: 5 Ways to Control Coronavirus Anxiety
Is coronavirus news ramping up your anxiety? Does the thought of social distancing make you fret? Try these five strategies to help you cope.
Practices for How COVID-19 Can Create Lasting, Positive Change
“As we find ourselves in the midst of various stages of reopening across the globe, our collective memory of this disaster can either fade away into history or become a drumbeat for a more just, equitable and sustainable society.”
5 Ways to Calm Down During COVID-19
It’s a pandemic and you’re a stress ball. Here are 5 ways to catch your breath and calm down.
How to Mourn the Death of a Loved One in the Times of Social Distancing and COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted many of our age old funerary and mourning traditions, leaving many with a feeling of sadness, hopelessness and fear. In Theresa Dominguez-Weiss’ new book Deathwalker: Journeys of Life, Death and Beyond she offers guidance toward a new way to HEAL.
Special Edition: Roadside Assistance Part II
Rabbi Rami is answering your questions, with special editions of his online column Roadside Musings.
Masking Our Emotions
“Our hearts convey the most poignant picture through the eyes. It is not merely a window, but a reflection of our state of mind.” —Jeffrey Benjamin, MD
In Self-Isolation? Lessons From the Hermit Tarot Card
Whether you’re surviving or thriving through solo lockdown, the Hermit Tarot card shines light on the solo journey through quarantine.
8 Tips From an Introvert on How to Stay Home
"With stay-home orders issued worldwide and offenders arrested for attending funerals and weddings, it's time that society learned a thing or two from introverts."
Finding Balance in a Pandemic
Finding balance isn't easy in these tightrope-walking days. But: “Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.” –Rumi
The Lost Art of Dying
Lydia Dugdale, author of The Lost Art of Dying, on the art of dying and why we should instead face our finitude squarely—while we still can.
Not Traveling Because of COVID-19? These 7 Low-FODMAP Dinners Will Take You on a Worldwide Trek
Try these seven low-FODMAP recipes from, literally, all over the map. What they have in common besides their high yum factor is that they will make you feel like you’re in a different country even when you’re stuck at home because of the spreading coronavirus.
Keeping Stay-at-Home Kids Healthy
Kids stuck at home due to coronavirus pandemic? Here are some ways to keep them mentally and physically fit.
The Anthem of Our Day
“As we practice caution and social distancing, let us not distance each other in our hearts. As we are forced to slow down and stop our busyness, let us feed more than our fear.”
My Mom is a Nurse. What Are We Doing to Protect Her?
Shortages of masks and other critical protective equipment are leaving nurses and other healthcare workers vulnerable while they serve on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic. What are we doing right now to protect them?
4 Ways to Mindfully Consume News During Coronavirus
With news this intense and upsetting, we need to monitor our own consumption very carefully.
“It All Feels Like Way Too Much”
Where can you put your anxiety so that you can continue functioning?
A Prayer to Comfort Those Passing
In these heartbreaking times, being together during life's passages is often impossible. Rabbi Rami shares a prayer to bring comfort to those who are passing.
Podcasts for the Pandemic: A Playlist of Inspiration
Stuck at home? Feeling out of sorts? We picked 10 episodes of our podcast, Essential Conversations, to help you get through the pandemic.
Here’s Your Happiness Shopping List
These feel-good foods are better alternatives than inhaling a sleeve of ultraprocessed crackers.
Dispelling Fear
"A woman in her 40s was seated on a bench at the park entrance. She was weeping. I asked her if I could help. She replied that although she was healthy, she was scared."
Love on Lockdown: Your Relationship Can Survive
Pandemic wasn’t one of the vows. How to hunker down with someone and love them still.
5 Ways to Resolve Anger in Quarantine
Feeling angry and cagey in lockdown with your partner? Here are 5 methods to (resolving) the madness.
Replace Worry With Wonder
If we dig deep, we can unearth wonder(ful) ways to survive and even thrive through this stressful time.
Prayer in Action: Klee Benally
“When it comes down to direct intervention, I’d rather not be on a stage singing about an injustice when I see it happening in front of me. I’ll jump off the stage and address the injustice directly. But this (pandemic) work would be terrifyingly boring without a good soundtrack!” —Navajo Musician and Activist Klee Benally
5 Shelter-in-Place Habits Worth Keeping
From a safe-seeming 6 feet apart, a neighbor and I waved hello. As if on cue, we both asked: “How are you?” And, simultaneously, we both replied: “Fine.” White paper masks furre…
3 Ready-to-Use Practices for Peaceful Relationships in Challenging Times
As lockdown is lifted "relationships again will be thrust into adjusting to a new 'new normal.' These 3 steps will help you reconnect with your beloved in a way that deepens your closeness and leaves you both feeling more in love,"
4 Steps to a Good Apology
Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Here is how to address what still nags at you, and to finally right those long-standing hurts.
World War N
World War N is a fight against nihilism, the belief that power is the only thing that really matters.
Music Is My Salvation
“There are very extreme opposites in response to this pandemic, which, in a sense, are in all of us. I’m just hoping that the positive, compassionate response is the one that sings out the loudest.” —Jai Uttal
All Together Now
“It’s true that we get clarity about what matters during a crisis, and, hopefully, as a society, we actually can readjust toward things that do matter.” —Singer Damian Kulash of OK Go
4 Questions to Liberate You From Your Own Lockdown
“I realized my clients and I were under our own respective lockdowns way before this COVID-19 lockdown was mandated.” … Use this method to transform self-limiting beliefs, get unstuck, and move forward.
6 Techniques to Overcome Touch Starvation
Virtual gatherings are flourishing, but quarantining has cut physically isolated individuals off from the comfort of tender touch we crave in uncertain times. These self-soothing practices can help overcome skin hunger and the crave for human touch.
Waiting to Exhale
I know as problems go, this is not the biggest thing, but I really miss practicing yoga in a studio.
An Unexpected Gift of Ginger
Like serotonin for your soul, ginger root during the pandemic can be a balm for anxiety—among its many other benefits. Mary Novaria spins a yarn about how the superfood brought her relief.
Pregnant During a Pandemic
Pregnancy naturally causes anxiety—then tack on a pandemic. Writer Julie Peters shares her journey and how working on stress-management skills helps.
Don’t Know What To Do? 5 Ways to Navigate Liminal Space
The liminal space is the area between, the area of change and transition. It’s uncomfortable, but don’t attempt to ‘do’ your way out of liminality by setting goals and plowing ahead.
The One Who Cares
If we started the year 2020 with audacious hopes for perfect vision—seeing more clearly—we were completely blindsided. Our hoped-for year of clarity became a year of befuddlement. A year of new beginnings became a year of death.
Embracing Loneliness in a Pandemic Winter
Loneliness means your heart wants to open. What do you want to open it to?
Thankful This Pandemic Season
“Facing mortality is only one of the gifts I am thankful for this pandemic season. Another is lockdown.”
Re/VIEW: Nikki Giovanni
“Giovanni brings a voice of discernment and solidity to our disquiet times. She sees the pandemic as carving out a spiritual space within us.”
Pets, Their People, and Coping With the Pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, an unlikely hero has emerged: pets. “In addition to helping us navigate an increasingly frightening and lonely world, our pets can also help us manage the interpersonal relationships inside our own walls.”
Explaining Humans to Martians
Rabbi Rami Shapiro answers questions and offers advice to S&H readers. “Imagine you are sent as an emissary to Mars. What five things would you want Martians to know about us humans? How would you answer this?”
4 Crucial Words for a World of Chaos
S&H editor at large, Stephen Kiesling, interviews Nedra Glover Tawwab, a therapist who quietly helps empower clients to speak up for themselves, set boundaries, and find peace.
“Moon River,” JT, and Me
Simple joys help us flow back to the best things in life. “Never have I so sensed in my patients and myself the necessity of cultivating awareness of simple joys.”
Namaste: Let’s Keep It After the Pandemic
This non-touch method of saying hello and goodbye is something you should continue even after it’s deemed okay to hug again.
Taking Stock of Our Values in a Post-COVID World
Do you know your values? COVID-19 has changed many peoples’ inner truth.
6 Signs You May Have COVID Trauma
Exhausted by constant risk assessments? Are friendships forming or dissolving based solely on pandemic vigilance? You may be experiencing COVID trauma.
8 Ways to Stop Blaming COVID
Are you blaming COVID? You have far more command than you realize. Stop blaming COVID and choose to take your power back.
Podcast: Spirituality in the Time of Coronavirus, Part 2
Maintaining your psychological and spiritual health during the coronavirus crisis.
Pets and Coronavirus: What We Need to Know
The news that a tiger in the Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID-19 is raising questions about interspecies transmission and how to keep our pets healthy.
Self-Care and Working from Home: Tips from the S&H Team
We're a virtual office, so we all work from home all the time. Here's some advice.
Cinematherapy: These Flicks Can Heal You
The Cinematherapy book series co-author shares picks for flicks and TV series to uplift you during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Your Circadian Rhythm in Quarantine
Quarantine is causing abrupt changes in our body time clocks that may hinder digestion, immune system function, energy, and mood. Here’s how to create a healthy schedule.
7 Chakra Healings to Reduce Financial Stress
Has the pandemic triggered money worries? Track the issue to its corresponding chakra to clear your financial challenges and take simple, prescribed steps toward prosperity.
The Heart of Paradox
“One way we experience the paradoxical nature of the spiritual path is in the tension between independence and dependence. ... Now Americans on the razor’s edge of the spiritual path are also confronting the troublesome paradoxes of our nation’s history and our responsibilities as citizens.”
Winter Is Coming: Prepare Your Pandemic Pup
A puppyhood coach and pack therapist explains how to ease the transition from fall to winter for your canine companions, including the pandemic puppy in your household.
Pandemic Fatigue: 20 Affirmations for Getting Through Winter
Banish coronavirus burnout and pandemic fatigue with these positive affirmation statements.
What Have YOU Learned From 2020?
What have you learned in 2020? If you feel you have struggled this past year, mentally or physically, you are not alone. But what are the positives?
Dismantling Your Pandemic Pod
Pandemic pods kept you sane while keeping COVID-19 at bay. It's okay to mourn the loss of your pod as you celebrate the world moving closer to normal.
Never Lose a Holy Curiosity
Kevin Anderson, PhD, answers questions from S&H readers. “With COVID-19, the existential threat of climate change, terrorism, and the continuing threat of nuclear war, I’m feeling more and more like nothing makes sense and maybe life is just meaningless.”
5 Predictions for the Future of Retreats
The baths will be back! Retreat veteran Mary Bemis shares her predictions for the future of retreats.
Puzzling Out Play
“Play is the gateway to vitality,” says The National Institute for Play. When is the last time you took the time to just play?
How to Tell Fact From Fiction With Health Information on Social Media
Is that post your family member or friend just made on Facebook legit? Follow a few best practices to start deciphering fact from fiction like a pro.
Self-Care Guilt (And Why You Should Let It Go)
Feeling guilty about not practicing enough self-care or like you’re not doing it right? Go ahead and take these off your list of things to worry about.
Science & Spirit: Good Light, Bad Light, and a Few Cups of Coffee
Turn lights on to destroy viruses. Turn off to prevent heart disease. And through it all, just keep drinking coffee.
Sacred Space Crashing
Looking to travel to holy sites? Explore sacred travel etiquette and learn how to make the best of your experience.
Embracing All Emotions: An Empath Pioneer Shows You How
We talk to Karla McLaren about what we can learn from our anger, how to approach anxiety, why positive emotions aren't always positive, and more.
Freeing Yourself of Anxiety Feet First
“How can you help yourself feel a sense of calm, reassurance, and peace? The answer is at your feet. Literally.”
15 Calming Affirmations for Parents as School Starts in a Pandemic
Back-to-school time is usually a happy stress. This year, the pandemic and school closures have us all feeling extra anxious and stressed in a not-so-happy way. Try these affirmations for returning to school during a pandemic.
3 Nature-Based Practices for Battling Zoom Fatigue
How greening your space, petting your animal bestie, and taking a break to walk can fight Zoom fatigue and improve your work-from-home routine.
Devotionals: Connecting With Unexpected Ancestors
Devotionals serve as a grounding presence during unprecedented times. “The practice of a daily devotion connects to the idea of spiritual reflection as a way to gain clarity and peace. Daily time for devotion creates inner peace, slows us down, and allows us to connect with the divine.”
Podcast: Author Sarah Wilson on Reclaiming Your One Wild and Precious Life
Individualism and capitalism are simply not working. Author Sarah Wilson talks about the challenges we face as humans, such as climate change and racial injustice, and proposes healthier systems to heal a fractured world.
Pandemic Silver Linings: Accounting for Good News
2020 was a year. But maybe there's a silver lining (or two) to this pandemic after all.
Peering Into the Future of Retreats
“Retreat centers are ready to invite guests back onto their properties, but what that means may be vastly different in 2021 and beyond, even after the pandemic is under control.”
Sleep and Immunity: 6 Ways to Boost Your Body’s Immune System While You are Sleeping
Ward off infection and avoid illness by cranking up your body’s defense system all night long.
Retrain, Regain, Renew
Aromatherapy may be able to help COVID-19 “long-haulers” recover their sense of smell.
An Energy Healer’s Perspective on COVID Brain Fog
COVID can result in long-term brain fog. Energy healing can bring relief by clearing energetic spider webs.
Podcast: Laurie Sue Brockway, Put Your Wisdom to Work
What does it mean to be an interfaith minister, and in what ways have our individual spiritual paths changed since the pandemic? Minister and journalist Laurie Sue Brockway explains.
5 Swaps for Healthier Cleaning
A study shows toxic cleaning products can be as bad on the lungs as smoking. Here are some suggestions for alternatives.
An Alternative Spiritual Guide to Disaster
“There’s always some new world on the other side of that destruction, even if we can’t imagine it yet.”
Coronavirus From the Perspective of Mother Earth
“What if I look at this pandemic from the perspective of Earth? What might our 4.5 billion-year-old planet have to say to the most disruptive of her 8.7 million species right now?”
Special Edition: Roadside Assistance
Rabbi Rami is answering your questions, with special editions of his online column Roadside Musings.
Podcast: Spirituality in the Time of Coronavirus, Part 1
In this special four-part series, Rabbi Rami gives counsel on how to stay healthy from social, psychological, and spiritual perspectives during the COVID-19 crisis. Here is some …
Foods to Support Energy and Positive Emotions
“Eating foods that will center or calm your energy center is a great way to shift your energy from anxious and scared, to balanced and strong.”
Build Resilience Through Radical Self-Care
Practicing radical self-care in the face of fear is an act of courage, one that will help build the resilience that we will all need as we move forward.
Looking Within for a Safe Haven
When Italians shuttered their windows and the singing stopped, this mystic mother went in search of solace.
Podcast: Spirituality in the Time of Coronavirus, Part 3
Rabbi Rami speaks to a public health expert on how can we help ourselves, and others, during the pandemic.
What Is Grounding?
Able to be practiced anywhere, by anyone, and at any time, grounding is an effective way to cope with anxiety.
Handling Difficult Relationships by Going Gray Rock
Want to manage manipulative, triggering, altogether difficult people? Gray rock them.
Mindfulness in Difficult Times
We interviewed Sharon Salzberg for this issue to honor her remarkable career. With COVID-19 on everyone’s mind as we went to print, she graciously allowed us to share an adapted excerpt from Real Happiness.
Community Champion: Savannah Ballet Theatre’s Abby McCuen
Savannah Ballet Theatre’s Abby McCuen is making theater more inclusive with sensory-friendly performances.
Clean: A Doctor Dishes on Dirt
We chat up Dr. James Hamblin, author of Clean: The New Science of Skin, on what it means to be clean—and how much your skin really needs all those suds, soaps, and sanitizers.
Life in and After the Pandemic: Grieving What Was and Welcoming What Will Be
“Do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” —Rumi
Community Champion: Wendy Chan
One Journey is a grassroots organization that connects displaced people with welcoming communities, encouraging compassion and understanding.
Podcast: Spirituality in the Time of Coronavirus, Part 4
Rabbi Rami looks at the practice of metta, which allows us to rest in a field of compassion and peace.
“My Worst Panic Attack Ever Came Out of the Blue!”
The body has its own way of processing emotions. “The rush of symptoms people experience in a panic attack is a tsunami of fear being released in the body. The question is: What’s deep below the surface that keeps building up fear that needs to be released?”
The Power of Fierce Singing
“Whether we are singing alone as an outlet for our personal anger or raising our voices together in action, fierce singing may help us bring much needed change. Yes, it’s the end of the world as we knew it. And it’s about time.”
A Ramble through Lamentation: Rituals for Expressing Grief
Lamentation: the passionate expression of grief, mourning, sorrow, or regret: a song or poem that expresses sorrow for someone who has died or something that is gone.
Boost Your Immune System With Exercise
From improved sleep and circulation to reduced anxiety and more, regular exercise boosts immunity and strengthens the body’s defense against illness.
Book Review: Answers from Within by Olivia S. Benson
“Each human arrives in the material world with a purpose, and with all the gifts, talents, skills, and abilities necessary to fulfill it,” contends Olivia Benson in Answers fr…
The Well-Gardened Mind: A Psychiatrist’s View on the Healing Power of Nature
We dig in with author Sue Stuart-Smith. “When we sow the soil, we plant seeds of healing within ourselves.”
Community Champion: Hadassah Margolis
“You don’t have to storm the state house or the White House to be an activist. You can sit on your living room couch and knit a blanket or make two masks for your neighbor”—Brookline, Massachusetts’ Hadassah Margolis employs craftivism to make real change in her community and beyond.
Q&A: Lucinda Williams, Singer/Songwriter
One of America’s most respected singer/songwriters, Lucinda Williams talks about joy, crossword puzzles, and the magic of a little red wine.
Podcast: Sue Stuart-Smith on the Well-Gardened Mind
Cultivating a literal garden is a way to also cultivate a thriving mind, says this prominent psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
Holistic Practices for Grief
Kathryn Drury Wagner speaks with trauma expert Kathryn Templeton on how to move from immobilization into balance and harmony.
From medical appointments to yoga classes, the world has gone virtual—and it’s working. Brandi-Ann Uyemura digs into the future of care.
Balancing Beyond Comfort in an Uncertain Time
“I made the personal choice to keep teaching and practicing the form of yoga that helped transform my life.”
Donna Amrita Davidge
Donna Amrita Davidge has been teaching yoga and meditation in New York City since the 1980s and at her yoga retreat in northern Maine (May to October) since 1997. During the COVID-19 crisis, she has created a private Facebook page called Yoga: Balance Beyond Comfort. She has also produced various yoga products, available at the Sewall House website.
5 Ways to Get Involved in Craftivism
Craftivism is a way to be a changemaker while also being creative with your hands. Here are five ways to craft real change right now.
The Gift of Failure: Tips on Transforming Setbacks into Success
“Allow disappointment to bring you back to your true essence by stripping away any inauthentic expectations, rediscovering your solid values and going forward with what really matters most to you.”
Healing Relationships With “Holy Breath” Listening
Practicing “Holy Breath” listening can positively impact even the most turbulent relationships. “Instead of playing just a few deep, painful bass notes on their inner emotional pianos, Holy Breath listening gave them access to some higher notes. At the beginning of the healing process, such moments can be like the sun peeking through dark storm clouds.”
Five Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition
Get tips on how to strengthen your intuition, the critical tool you use to listen to that inner voice that often knows the best way forward.
Six Secrets for Planning a Retreat for a Group of Friends
Stop talking about it! Here’s how to make a group getaway actually happen.
Podcast: Dr. Lydia Dugdale on the Lost Art of Dying
Anticipating our mortality via the lost Medieval practice of ars moriendi.
Rabbi Steve Leder on The Beauty of What Remains
After death, what remains? Rabbi Steve Leder discusses his book The Beauty of What Remains: How Our Greatest Fear Becomes Our Greatest Gift.
7 Wellness Trends for 2021
Frog venom, really? Well, here are some of the health and wellness trends that should be on your radar for 2021.
Spirituality and Books
“Books are my best friends ...” says Rabbi Rami, discussing the connection between spirituality and books—and why he chooses company carefully.
Resources for Dealing With Grief
In a time of unprecedented grief, we wanted to share resources to support anyone dealing with grief and the surrounding emotions.
Anne Lamott Asks: What Would Soul Windex Look Like?
In her book Dusk, Night, Dawn author Anne Lamott talks about her faith, climate change, late-in-life-marriage, and how to keep the courage.
Invoking the Mystical Phoenix
The phoenix appears throughout the world as a symbol of rebirth and resilience. How can you invoke the power of the mystical phoenix in your daily life?
Your Nervous System Is at War—How to Negotiate Peace
Your nervous system has a sweet spot. Reach the optimal state of calm arousal and call a cease-fire on the war within you.
Examen Practice: Following the Thread
An examen practice can assist in finding and interpreting the thread of spirituality that is always in your life.
Harry the Llama and Katherine Dunn
Apifera Farm is a healing place for animals and elders. In addition to visits with Harry, seniors can meet geese and goats and even groom the horses, providing the element of touch, the rhythm of repetition, and the curative fresh air of the farm.
The Art of the Lunch Break
Besides taking a lunch, holding meetings while walking and doing body scan meditation at your desk are two more examples of mindfully returning to the office.
Finding Refuge With Michelle Cassandra Johnson
The idea for Finding Refuge came to Michelle Cassandra Johnson from her ancestors. Her mission—“create a space for people to come together and grieve.”
Dancing to Songs Stuck in Your Head
“Our human emotional system, at times, is wired to lead us to embrace the three poisons without thinking of the consequences.”
7 Essential Medicinal Mints You Can Grow and Use in Teas
Discover the medicinal mints you can easily grow in your own yard—and use to fight anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and more.
From Self-Love to Neighbor-Love
“I am who I am because we are who we are. This inextricable connection is what I call fierce love.”
Can We Live Better and Die Well?
A groundbreaking, authoritative exploration—rich with powerful personal stories and convincing research—of the many ways the living can and do accompany the dying on their journey into the afterlife.
4 Ways to Curb Age-Related Decline in Gut Health
Gut issues increase as you age, but there’s so much you can do to keep it functioning well.
Becoming Trauma-Conscious
It may not be PTSD, but we all experience trauma. Recognizing this is good for everyone’s mental health.
Breaking the Cycle of Powerlessness
A physician and personal development coach shows us how to overcome an overworked “inner protector” and reclaim our essential power.
Diving Deep Into Darkness
Zen Buddhist priest Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel shares her wisdom on leaning into life’s many difficulties and invites us to explore our relationships to darkness and blackness as we know them.
How to Practice Compassion—the Buddhist Way
Buddhism offers deep wisdom to help us practice compassion every day, both towards ourselves and others. Try these five tools to develop greater compassion.
Herbal-Spiritual Perspectives on Boosting Immunity
Herbs have the power to boost immunity and nourish the spirit. Learn more with wisdom from herbalist and green witch Robin Rose Bennett.
Are Dog Parks Nature’s Newest Spiritual Space?
Science and mindfulness meet in canine-filled green public locales.