Leave Society Tao Lin

Book Review: Leave Society

Leave Society is, to borrow its protagonist’s phrase, the record of a “life explored with leisurely meticulousness.” The book begins in 2014 and chronicles a novelist named Li’s l…
Tags: Anxiety Drugs Life Changes
No Bad Parts Richard Schwartz

Book Review: No Bad Parts

Have you ever wanted to break out of destructive behavioral patterns? Are there parts of yourself you find hard to love? If so, this book is for you. Richard C. Schwartz arg…
Tags: Family Psychology Therapy Relationships

Film Review: Our Friend

Directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite and adapted by screenwriter Brad Ingelsby from Matthew Teague’s award-winning 2015 article, the film focuses partly on the remarkable bond shared by these three people.

Tags: Film Reviews
Bedlam Directed by Kenneth Paul Rosenberg

Film Review: Bedlam

Bedlam offers a sobering look at the devastating toll of mental illness on patients, families, medical professionals, and society.

Tags: Film Reviews
Afrika Mamas ARC MUSIC

Music Review: Ilanga (The Sun)

Afrika Mamas was founded in South Africa in 1998 by Ntombi Lushaba. The riveting a cappella group is made up of Lushaba and five other single mothers, with 11 children between them.

Tags: Music Music Reviews
Outsmart Your Pain: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion to Help You Leave Chronic Pain Behind By Christiane Wolf, MD, PhD

Book Review: Outsmart Pain

Mindfulness and Vipasana meditation teacher Christiane Wolf kicks off her second book by introducing us to a simple equation: “Suffering = pain x resistance.”

Tags: Meditation Mindfulness Pain
Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit By Lyanda Lynn Haupt

Book Review: Rooted

Lyanda Lynn Haupt loved being raised Catholic. The mysterious, untamed nature of the faith as she received it—and its ecstatic saints like Thérèse of Lisieux—illuminated the goodness of the created world.


Film Review: Planet of the Humans

Planet of the HumansDirected by Jeff Gibbs RUMBLE MEDIA WHAT IF THE green energy technologies that have been touted as potential solutions to the climate crisis weren’t really s…
Tags: Film Reviews

Film Review: Chasing the Present

Chasing the PresentDirected by Mark Waters 1091 FILMS HAVING STRUGGLED WITH addiction, loss, and a lifetime of crippling anxiety attacks, James Sebastiano decided to travel the …
Tags: Film Reviews