Music Review: Music for Love and Connection

Yoga Is Love: Music for Love and Connection
Tom Colletti
Sounds True
The multi-instrumentalist Tom Colletti wastes no time having his music touch the heart and soul. His new album, Yoga Is Love, begins with rising swirls and enveloping vocal breaths that gently open up to a refreshing and simple om. The flute melodies are inviting, with subtle birdsong and the sound of children’s voices adding to the inviting atmosphere.
A follow-up to his first album, Yoga Is Union, Colletti’s new CD offers lightness and space with sustenance and strength. The music is relaxing while also enticing movement. Yoga Is Love is slow-motion, abstract electronic music intelligently mixed and pleasant to take in with delicate percussive surprises. Each song has an interesting rhythm to get into, and the overall flow of the album progresses nicely to accommodate yoga practice.
By the fourth track—“Ajna” (“the center of intuition, knowing”)—the music picks up, and the percussion and rhythmic timing on the next song, “Shatkarma” (“a cleansing process”), is compelling without being intense. Sounds are well placed in relation to each other, creating a balanced listening experience. The album is complete with a winding down for “Vinyasa” and “Shavasana” (“total relaxation,” “detachment from physical body”).
The liner notes from Colletti add, “When the mind is turbulent, listening to Yoga Is Love may help to disidentify from the mind so that we can experience stillness, deep peace, and awareness of the true self. When joined with movement and breathing, Yoga Is Love helps us find balance.”