Jahta Beat: Chanting with Tigers
Jahta Beat: Chanting with Tigers
DJ Drez
Black Swan Sounds
Chanting with Tigers is mantra music for the here and now. This fifth album in the Jahta Beat series by urban beat master DJ Drez is relaxing and intriguing at the same time. Self-described as “an exploration through hip-hop and down tempo with a focus on vibrations from India,” the album exudes peace and possibilities.
Chanting with Tigers takes off smoothly, sounding like an archive recording of classical Indian music, and soon expands to a modern plane when the influence of DJ Drez and Jahta Beat are heard with blended beats and electronic cutups that add to the pleasure of these 14 songs.
The album features a swath of singers and musicians, including vocalists Sheela Bringi on “Nandalala” and Marti Nikko on “Forever for Now.” The devotional band Kirtaniyas brings sweet sounds to the tracks “Sentient Sunshine” and “Maha Dub.” Frequent DJ Drez collaborator Dominic Dean Breaux lays down sax throughout. One song is based on the bhajan “Sweet Krishna,” said to have been composed by the 15th-century saint Sri Vallabhacharya after having a vision of Krishna.
Whether your music collection is full of devotional kirtan or your headphones are pumping urban bass beats, Chanting with Tigers is a world music blend that is danceable, eclectic, and easy on the ears; it’s a mystical mix destined to open hearts and minds.