Fierce Light

Directed by Velcrow Ripper
Alive Mind Media
“Fierce Light was created to empower people,” says filmmaker Velcrow Ripper. “The philosophy that guides my work is the transformation of our world, one person at a time.” The current wave of spiritual activism is fueled by what Dr. Martin Luther King called “love in action,” and its power is being felt worldwide. People in Africa, Washington, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and South Central Los Angeles are being moved to take an uncompromisingly nonviolent, yet strong, stand on issues that range from equal treatment under law and environmental degradation to the availability of healthful and safe food, and community empowerment.
Featuring Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Pulitzer prize-winning author Alice Walker, Buddhist peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh, environmental activist and author Julia Butterfly Hill, and many others, Fierce Light is a moving demonstration of what is possible when human beings, faced with problems crying for resolution, give their very best and join together to shape a new kind of activism, based in the spiritual teaching that we are all one and that any revolution, to be radical and authentic, must be a revolution of the heart.