
8 Ways to Raise Your Vibration as You Age

8 Ways to Raise Your Vibration as You Age

Getty/Paul Bradbury

By becoming more aware of the variables you expose yourself to, you can consciously support your own vibration as you age.

I was headed home on the crosstown bus when I overheard two women, both of whom appeared to be in their fifties, talking about a date.

“He was a decent guy, but I felt meh afterwards. We didn’t connect,” one of them said.

“You weren’t a vibrational match,” her friend responded confidently. “Sometimes I feel awful after seeing someone, and other times only okay. I’ve realized how much my vibration is impacted by other people. Our vibes need to match in order to feel uplifted.”

“That makes sense,” the first woman agreed.

“As I’ve become older, I find myself wanting to be more aware and protective of my vibration so that I can continue to feel vibrant rather than meh, or worse. But I don’t know how to do it.”

“I don’t know how to either,” said the first woman.

As we approached my stop, a man seated nearby stood up to exit the bus. “You two sound like hippies from the ‘60s. What’s a vibration?” He walked out laughing. I had to get off the bus as well.

I don’t usually overhear people talking about vibration and energy in public and was impressed that these women were onto it. Had I had more time, I would have told them that yes, they could influence their own vibrations to remain vibrant and also improve their overall level of well-being as they age.

What Is Vibration?

Universal spiritual law and quantum physics tell us that everything—including people, emotions, thoughts, and even places—is made up of energy waves that are in a constant state of movement, always vibrating imperceptibly. The sum frequencies of our mental, physical, and emotional states, plus any external energies from our environment, can raise or diminish our overall vibration.

Changing Your Life through Vibration

Without you being aware, your vibration broadcasts out into the world and attracts the feelings that align with it. A more elevated overall vibration contributes to more positive feelings, leading to better mental, physical, and emotional health. The higher your vibration, the more energy you will have, and the better you will feel and function. Therefore, protecting your vibration becomes even more important as you age.

You have the power to refine your vibration at any time. Self-protection is critical. You will want to actively avoid low-vibrational (“negative”) influences that bring your vibe down and opt for high-vibrational (“positive”) influences that make you feel energized.

By becoming more aware of the variables you expose yourself to and taking responsibility for managing them, you can consciously support your own vibration. The eight practices that follow will help you with this.

Emotional Choice

Choose emotions that elevate you rather than drain you. Whenever possible, tap into high-vibration emotions such as joy, love, gratitude, and passion. Recognize any draining emotions you may feel, such as fear, worry, anger, guilt, regret, or blame, and switch to a more elevating broadcast. To do this, I visualize myself changing the channel with my remote.


Do what you love. Expressing your gifts and pursuing your passions raises your vibration. We are each born with unique abilities and interests. Continue to cultivate them as you age. Actively engaging in them honors your soul’s urges, thereby elevating you vibrationally. If not now, when?


Cleanse your mind. Take a few moments each day to meditate. Meditation involves going inward, witnessing the thoughts and emotions you are holding on to, and releasing their dense energies so that you can become more present and feel lighter. You take a shower to clean your body every day, but do you cleanse your mind?


Engage in physical activity. When you move, your body releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters. While any form of exercise is beneficial, those who are able may opt for aerobic activity or dance, both of which are optimal for releasing negative energy.

Conscious Entertainment

Be discerning with entertainment. Some works of music, film, or art that you expose yourself to are high-vibrational, making you feel happy and peaceful. You are also exposed to a good deal of low-vibrational entertainment in the form of excessively negative news and violence in both film and music. This can have the opposite effect on you.


Ground or nature-bathe. Go barefoot, hug trees, walk in the woods or by the ocean, submerge yourself in a body of water (or even your bathtub), and expose yourself to natural sunlight in healthy doses.


Be mindful of your environment. This includes people, places, situations, and even the decor of your home. Not every thing, place, person, or situation is for everyone. It’s okay to become more discerning as you get older, so ask yourself if it’s for you. And remember that clutter can block your flow of energy, as well as your mental clarity, while bright colors can support it.


Release the past. Let go of any anger and blame that can weigh your vibe down. Forgive others, but most importantly, forgive yourself.

Discover which crystals help with graceful aging.

8 Ways to Raise Your Vibration as You Age

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