Taisen Deshimaru on selfless giving and abundance - To receive everything one must open ones hands and give
Pattabhi Jois on persistence and patience - Practice All is coming
Elizabeth Barrett Browning on making our world a better place - Light tomorrow with today
Elbert Hubbard on abundance and love - Life in abundance only comes through great love
Standing Bear on connecting with nature - Mans heart away from nature becomes hard
Leonard Cohen on the beauty and importance of flaws - Theres a crack in everything Thats how the light gets in
Cyril Connolly on rest - Like water we are truest to our nature in repose
Buddha on patience and persistence - Drop by drop is the pitcher filled
E.B. White on awe - Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder
Arthur Freed on character - Dont try to be different Just be good To be good is different enough
Rainer Maria Rilke on natural law. - If we surrendered to earths intelligence we could rise up rooted like trees
Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Grace - Grace like water flows from a higher to a lower level
Louisa May Alcott on resilience. - I'm not afraid of storms for I'm learning to sail my ship
John Keats on Mother Nature's beauty - The poetry of Earth is never dead
Sogyal Rinpoche on expanding your mind - Sitting like a mountain let you mind rise, fly, and soar
M.F.K. Fisher on seizing the day. - When shall we live if not now?
Leo Tolstoy on happiness - If you want to be happy be
Anne Sexton on listening to your inner voice - Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard