RE/VIEW: Don Miguel Ruiz
Even if you haven't read Don Miguel Ruiz’s first book, The Four Agreements, you know someone who ...
In any given decision point, we have the option to stick with what we know. This tendency is referred to as the status quo bias, explained by this article from The Atlantic as this: “When comparing two options, both individuals and companies overwhelmingly stick with the one representing the status quo, even when it is demonstrably inferior to the option representing change.”
Human beings are naturally creatures of habit and routine. We go through our days largely on autopilot. This can be a good thing when we’re driving to work, so we can simultaneously be thinking through an upcoming conversation and remember to stop at stop lights, but it’s not so helpful when it comes to making changes and being receptive to whole body, mind, and spirit transformations.
Our willingness to change, much like our propensity for risk-taking, is not a yes or no question, but rather lies on a spectrum.
As best as you can, answer the questions below to find out where you fall.
Count your answers and then use the guide below to see where you fall on the transformation spectrum.
You Are a Status Quo Manager
You highly value tradition and “the way things are.” You don’t see a need to change what’s working, because, for the most part, it’s worked for you. Yet, you might begin to see that the status quo, when left in place too long, leads to stagnation. And you might be unintentionally holding others back from change they need and desire.
You Are A Tradition Truster
Tradition has worked for you, but you’ve also seen instances in your own life and those of others where the story must be rewritten. While your natural default is to maintain the status quo, you’re not impossible to budge, either. You just need to consider the right arguments.
You Are an On-the-Edge Transformer
You value both the status quo and a new way forward nearly equally, and you see a scenario that respects them both. Your mind is equally receptive to arguments on both sides. You’re open to change and transformation in your life, but not at any cost, either.
You Are a Natural Butterfly
Incarnation after incarnation, transformation is the name of the game for you! You believe nothing should stay the same and that includes yourself and the way you identify yourself in the world. Society (and maybe your community, too) doesn’t always understand the way you move through life, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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