Lessons from the Greek Goddess Hera
Though often seen as a cruel and jealous goddess, Hera represents an ancient, pre-patriarchal ...
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Our words are a reflection of our thoughts. They influence our actions, attitudes, and ultimately the habits that impact the quality of our lives. And yet, we carelessly use expressions without being fully aware of the degree to which they can profoundly impact us (as well as others).
The words we choose to speak can act as a spell. They have vibrational frequency, as well as creative force. As such, the power of spoken words can help us to create our reality. This means that they can also cause us to either bless or hex ourselves.
We are the first person who receives the vibration of our words. Their energy immediately enters our subconscious mind. This part of our mind absorbs everything we say literally, and all too often will deliver exactly what we say. Hard on ourselves? Trying to be humble? It could be as though we are putting a hex on ourselves.
Hard on ourselves? Trying to be humble? It could be as though we are putting a hex on ourselves.
Because of the creative force inherent in the power of our spoken word, I often provide my clients with customized mantras specific to their situations. The words we use can create new possibilities, attract or strengthen relationships, and inspire us. Or they can do the opposite. Positive words make us feel good. Negative words make us feel bad. Notice how your body feels when you say, "I am worried" versus "I am magnificent." We choose which spell we cast on ourselves with the power of spoken words.
As my own awareness of this force developed, I became more attuned to the power of spoken words. Words can help, heal, hinder, or hurt. The right words from a doctor can promote calmness, healing, and inspire the patient to get better. The wrong words can immerse the patient in fear and bring their vibration down, thereby preventing healing. Interestingly, all of the three major holy books (Torah, Bible, and Koran) reference the creative power of spoken words.
Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto conudcted an experiment in which he spoke words to water while it was freezing. The water created crystal shapes distinct to the vibration of each word. When the words were positive and loving, beautiful crystal shapes appeared. When the words were negative and harsh, chaotic shapes formed.
Observing the words you choose will reveal much about how you either bind or liberate yourself. These words are essentially the paintbrush with which you paint the canvas of your life. The extent to which the words you hear can influence you will also become evident as you become more conscious of media narratives and music lyrics. Both have the ability to inspire people to elevate themselves ... or not.
Living intentionally requires that we carefully select high-vibration words in order to cast elevating spells and tap into the full range of potential available to us.
For today, try to consider your word usage. Do any of the words or expressions you use carry negative energy? If so, the power of spoken words may have affected your actions and habits and thereby, be sabotaging some of your possibilities. Here are five tips to help you get started.
Words can exude positive or negative energy. Cast a good spell by choosing wisely and opting for beautiful words over profanity and uplifting words over diminishing ones. Choose one day this week to simply observe your language and become aware of what you say.
Have you ever heard yourself say, "This makes me sick," “Life is hard,” “Work sucks,” “Happy Hump Day,” “TGIF” or “I’m too old”? Don’t tap into the low vibrations of illness, survival, or restriction—use the power of spoken words for good.
It's socially acceptable to shrink ourselves to be polite or put ourselves down when others compliment us. But self-deprecation is not humility. Saying things like, “I don’t know how I did this, I’m usually such an idiot” or “I’m not really cut out for this” may make them come true. Don't do it to yourself! Fully receive a compliment with a simple “Thank you.”
In addition to bringing down others, the power of negative spoken words will be felt by you first. Had an unsatisfactory meal or experience with someone? Go for "It could have been better." Tempted to partake in office or neighborhood gossip? Opt for empathy.
Some complaining is healthy and normal—it’s how you express negative emotions. But too much sends negativity to your body, causing it to set off the stress hormone cortisol and shift into flight-or-fight mode (raising blood pressure and blood sugar). Excessive cortisol compromises your immune system, making it more vulnerable to all diseases. Positively reset your words by identifying the things you are grateful for, then shift into brainstorming solutions.
Try these 17 affirmations to manifest your dream life.
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