Moments of Sweetness: Nonattachment in Difficult Times Something joyful, beautiful, pleasurable, or delicious is happening: Notice moments of sweetness.
Kambo Cleanse and Hearing God’s Voice in Frog Poison What is it really like to try a kambo cleanse? The South American detox treatment.
Is Beauty the Only Necessity? What is beauty? Why is it important? “Perhaps we should think of beauty not only as something ...
Think Verb, Not Noun Breath action into everyday words. “You might be surprised at how many nouns in the English ...
Spirituality and Insurrection “People like to say there is only one God. They are wrong. People believe in many Gods, each ...
Visits From a Mystical Messenger The symbolic meanings of animals often vary from culture to culture. Different animals and their ...
Sarah Wilson on This One Wild and Precious Life Sarah Wilson asks readers to “take an active role in fighting for what we love.”
3 Lessons to Learn From Conversations Between Science and Religion Science and religion aren't enemies. A healthy conversation between them offers valuable lessons.
Spirituality and Christmas How are spirituality and Christmas related? “To me Christmas is hopeful: a time to celebrate the ...
When You Finally Go on a Retreat ... What to keep in mind—and what to steer clear of when deciding on a retreat.
Re/VIEW: Nikki Giovanni “Giovanni brings a voice of discernment and solidity to our disquiet times. She sees the ...
Winter Homes “There is nothing as warm and wonderful as winter. Good books. A friendly dog. Homemade soup. ...