6 Easy Tips to Help You Accept Yourself Self-acceptance doesn't always come naturally. Try these six tips to embrace who you truly are.
A Powerful DIY Ritual to Help Heal Ambiguous Grief For those of us grieving changed relationships with living loved ones, a faux funeral may be the ...
Replacing Happiness With Microjoys How do we find a healthy balance between joy and sorrow? Rabbi Rami explores the concept of ...
Podcast: Cyndie Spiegel, Towards Joy What are microjoys, and how can acceptance of the bad with the good improve our life? Author ...
Ode to a Hollywood Mountain Lion Our animal chaplain mourns the death of a famous mountain lion, and shares lessons from the ...
The Source of The Declaration of Independence Freedom is what makes America America. As we approach our nation’s 250th birthday, we should ...
The Ancient Science of Honest Prophesy Archaeologist Brady Kiesling explains how Greeks dealt with bribed gods using perhaps the ...
Featured Artist: Pete Sandker S+H lead digital editor Brenna Lilly spoke to artist Pete Sandker about walks in the woods, ...
From the Editor: 25 Years of Spirituality+Health Our returning editor-in-chief shares what it was like at the very beginning of ...
Why Spirituality and Science Need Each Other Spirituality informs science, and science strengthens spirituality—explore a lifelong peace ...
Matthew Ash McKernan Shows Us the Web of Wyrd What is wyrd, and how can we understand its warp and weft to navigate life more skillfully? ...
Podcast: Clark Strand, Waking Up to the Dark What is the “Hour of God,” and how does our modern sleep pattern reflect our evolution? Clark ...