A Spell to Stop Worrying Spells are only as powerful as the intentions and emotions they raise inside you.
Build a Compassion Cell Garden Do you accept the challenge to take a walk and take a stand? The compassion cell garden blends ...
Compassion Cell Credo Kevin Anderson offers a call to action: My membership in the human race is my truest belonging.
Want to Be Happier? Nurture Your Ecological Self Do you have a relationship with Planet Earth—your home? Taking time to focus on and appreciate ...
How (and Why) to Feel a Feeling “The problem isn’t the depth of sadness or anger that we feel. The problem is our resistance to ...
Teaching a Stressed System to Relax: Living in the Gaps “The more I practice cultivating the gaps and being really present for them, the more my nervous ...
A Scent for Intentions and Clearing "A smell can instantly beckon age-old memories or summon emotions in a whiff."
The Healing Power of Celebration Nudge your nervous system out of the stress habit through the act of celebration.
Science & Spirit: Matcha for Anxiety, Cultured Meats, and Soy Is Redeemed This week, the focus is the latest news in nutrition. Discover how matcha tea helps with ...
Guided Meditation: Floating Above the Clouds (For Playfulness and Creativity) In this meditation, imagine yourself playing and dancing with the wind high above the clouds. ...
Stop Reacting! Respond Instead Evolve your volcano of reactive emotions, moving instead into an authentic and appropriate ...