A Ritual for the Full Worm Moon
Are you ready to get down and dirty to tap into the energy of the full Worm Moon?
Getty/Mikhail Blavatskiy
After decades of engaging in spiritual practices and researching scientific theories, it has become crystal clear to me that our outer world is directly related to our inner world. That being said, we share our outer world experiences with others and as such, are engaged in the co-creation of a consensus reality.
In truth, both our inner and outer worlds are involved in a complex, multi-faceted, and multi-layered process of co-creation involving many influential factors. It’s not as simple as saying, “My outer world is a reflection of my inner world.” Rather, our outer world is affected by our inner world in a way that gives us the free will to impose our creative expression upon it. We can strive to achieve mental, emotional, and spiritual mastery so we can intentionally create at will that which serves our highest good. When we evolve beyond duality and become much more aware of how our creative expression impacts the lives of others, we can co-create an outer world that serves the highest good for all.
The concept of a shared field of consciousness has always fascinated me. I have an insatiable curiosity about what scientists and spiritualists alike call the quantum field. I have also heard it called a neural network, which really resonates with me as I imagine us all sharing one mind. If we are sharing one mind, we must be sharing one heart. Of course we are! We are all of and from the same Divine Source, after all, and this One Infinite Creator is expressing through us as us. Therein lies the oneness. So why the illusion of separation? I believe duality serves the purpose of allowing for creative self-expression while on this journey to know thyself.
Collectively, we co-create with others on a daily basis in ways that define the consensus reality we experience together. Individually, we co-create with our own multi-dimensional Oversoul as well as the spiritual and celestial guides that support us.
“Living Inside Out” is a phrase that came to me during a nature walk one day and will be the title of my next book. The subtitle “Harmonizing Your Inner and Outer Worlds” also came to me recently. The premise is that these worlds are, in truth, one and the same, since everything is a mental construct. However, since both our inner and outer worlds are truly a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-layered expression, we can expand our minds and hearts to harmonize that which we co-create in our inner world with that which we co-create in our outer world. We can become so consciously aware of the inner world of creative thoughts and powerful emotions that we do our best to harmonize them in a way that produces a harmonious outer world for both ourselves and others.
I offer many sessions that are designed to connect you with all that you are in an individual, collective, and divine sense. My book, Wake Up! Awakening through Reflection, is a journey of self-discovery relative to this incarnation. My book, Rise Up! Awakening through Revelation, is a journey of discovering the source of all that is. There are countless videos related to this material on my TV network, SciSpi.tv: Merging Science and Spirituality, with eight channels and over 30 shows. It is totally free to subscribe! I have free downloads on my website as well.
You are also invited to my Sedona Ascension Retreat, March 14-16, 2025, featuring many well-known presenters, performers and practitioners.
Sending love and many blessings,
Suzanne Ross
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