The Missing Middle Cori Howard finds that it takes more than Marie Kondo and burning sage to transition to an empty ...
3 Reasons Why Healing Is Impossible Without Self-Empathy Healing can often seem like an unclear process. Self-empathy is the perfect first step in any ...
How Environmental Changes Contribute to the Spread of Disease Research has shown that certain environmental factors can significantly affect heart health. ... Sponsored
Dip and Celebrate White bean dip is a smooth and creamy appetizer perfect for any gathering. Eden is real organic ... Sponsored
Never Too Old It's never too late to become a spiritual leader in your community. Rabbi Rami reflects on four ...
5 Protection Rituals for Highly Sensitive People Highly sensitive people feel everything deeply. If you’re an HSP, learn how to cleanse and ...
Replacing Negativity With Light Through Shadow Work The shadow doesn’t just hold the negative parts of our personality—it also houses our lost ...
How to Practice Individuation Have you ever felt like your personality is not your own, but rather an amalgamation of ...
A Pre-Spring Sun Meditation Combat winter malaise with celestial contemplation—practice this meditation to honor the Sun.
When Will I Be Rich Enough to Give? "The key to making altruism effective is working on our own character."
Toolbox: The Empath Survival Toolkit Empaths have a gift for sensing subtle energies and/or emotions from people, pets, objects, and ...