Tuning Our Minds to Metta
Anger can steal our joy. Practicing metta meditation helps us carry empathy into each ...
Susanne Jutzeler/Pexels
The pursuit of pleasure is oft-neglected on the spiritual path, considered vulgar at worst and material at best. But we are spiritually built to enjoy all kinds of pleasure: sensual, carnal, material, and spiritual. In fact, the oldest wisdom tradition coming out of India—the Vedic tradition, first developed between 3500–1100 BCE—describes in detail a divine feminine deity known as Goddess Lakshmi, who, along with her chief incantations Durga and Saraswati, comprises "Shakti," the divine feminine mother goddess. While Durga represents courage and Saraswati, wisdom, Lakshmi is generally associated with wealth, fortune, beauty, and, yes, pleasure.
What can Lakshmi teach us about pleasure, and how we may pursue it on the modern spiritual path?
Goddess Lakshmi is said to be playfully present in every pleasure possible—be it through delicious food, the arts, or sex. Lakshmi herself is beauty incarnate, adorned with the finest silks, gems, and rubies. She is typically depicted in a lush red or golden sari with golden ornaments, surrounded by lotuses and butterflies.
In fact, if not for Goddess Lakshmi’s unsurpassed and infinite blessings, it’s believed that you and I would not be enjoying any pleasures in life, whether small or great. Every pleasure we have ever enjoyed on this planet—every petal of every flower we have ever smelled with delight, every bead of every necklace we have ever worn with a smile, every tickle of spice we have enjoyed in food, every delicious sweet fruit we have bitten into, every puddle of rain we have playfully splashed in, every warm body we have ever embraced in joyful sexual ecstasy— is said to be a gift from Goddess Lakshmi.
In the Vedic tradition, pleasure-oriented faculties of human life are no less important than securing our life materially and advancing our consciousness spiritually. This includes finding a sexually satisfying partner, pursuing the art of lovemaking, and maintaining one’s love life at a high caliber. That is why it is said that Lakshmi’s four hands—an expression of her superpowers—represent the balanced quest for four universal goals of human life:
Goddess Lakshmi’s teachings are clear—the first three goals must not be secured at the cost of neglecting or sidelining the fourth goal of kama. Human pleasures such as singing, dancing, playing, and sex play an important role in the overall health and wellbeing of an individual and a society. In fact, if the sexual instinct is forcefully suppressed, it leads to mental perversions and countless physical diseases. A pleasurable life feels prosperous as well. When the mind feels pleasured, positive, and happy to be alive, research supports that our physical health and immunity soar as well.
A goddess incantation inspired by Goddess Lakshmi is Goddess Rati, whose name means “to delight” or “to enjoy in.” Goddess Rati is the goddess of love and passion. She represents lust and sexual pleasure for pleasure’s sake—not pleasure “justified” by childbearing and motherhood. In fact, when you are truly aroused and experiencing your sexuality with abandonment, it is she, Goddess Rati, who is said to become awakened from inside you. It is she along with you who enjoys your orgasm. It is she along with you who surrenders in the sweet embrace of a lover, only to become the dominant one, seeking indulgence and fulfillment of her desire.
With all this in mind, it’s no wonder that in her legends, Goddess Lakshmi demonstrates, again and again, the importance of unapologetically yet mindfully cultivating kama, or sexuality and earthly pleasures. She invites us to become comfortable with sensuality, delight in it, not sabotage it, nor suppress it, nor least of all shame it.
Besides enjoying sexual pleasures without shame or obligation, try any of the following activities to cultivate pleasure in your life:
All in all, don’t neglect having fun in your life. Surround yourself with pleasure-imparting friends, lovers, pets, hobbies, and activities, and make time to be sweetly indulgent of yourself out of sheer pleasure. This is one true way to worship your inner Lakshmi.
This article is adapted from the forthcoming book, Roar Like a Goddess: Every Woman's Guide to Becoming Unapologetically Powerful, Prosperous, and Peaceful (Sounds True, 2022)
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