2018 November/December

The New American LOVE Revolution with Marianne Williamson


10 Spiritual Leaders

We asked our readers to scout the spiritual landscape for emerging leaders who will help set our course for the decades to come. Your response was wildly enthusiastic, passionate, heartfelt, and all over the map (and the globe). Wow! What constitutes a spiritual path is becoming ever more diverse—and ever more likely to be led by women. In future issues, you’ll hear from more of your choices. We chose 10 (nine plus a wonderful collaboration of old and new) who represent your votes as well as our hopes for the spiritual future.



Contributors - November/December 2018

Contributors to our September/October 2018 issue: Kevin Anderson PhD, Julia Cameron, Deborah Gordon MD, Alena Hennessy, Erik Sean Larson, Hal Robinson


Poetry Page

Poetry: The Dark Between Stars

Put your hand on your heart in youthere is power there are ideasno one has ever thought of there is the strength to love purely and intenselyand to be loved backthere is the power …
Tags: Poetry

From The Editor




Film Review: Cielo

Alison McAlpine’s visually ravishing documentary takes us to the Atacama Desert in Chile, where various scientists and oddball locals contemplate the immense, crystal-clear night s…
Tags: Film Reviews

Music Review: Deva

Deva Premal and Miten have been making music together for almost 30 years. Their mantra-based albums are loved worldwide, and, with Nepalese flutist/vocalist Manose, they play to a…
Tags: Music Reviews Music