When the days are dark and cold, and the world seems to be pushing in on you from all sides, the most delicious of all activities is to curl up with a book that stretches your mind and offers insight, hope, or guidance.
In this divisive time, the gift of books is that they help us feel more connected in the human experience. As John Green says, "Great books help you understand, and they help you to feel understood."
To help welcome in the New Year, we want to share our common love of books by inviting you to enter our annual book giveaway. You will be eligible to win a captivating selection of titles that offer wisdom, inspiration, and comfort.
-Kalia Kelmenson
Win all 21 titles listed below.
Living an Examined Life
A 21-Step Plan for Addressing the Unfinished Business of Your Life
Still waiting for permission to be who you are?
For anyone at a crossroads in life comes this essential guidebook with 21 contemplations for self-inquiry and growth. James Hollis will energize and inspire your journey to create a life of personal authority, integrity, and fulfillment.
Pudge Learns to Meditate
Kimberly A. Rainville
“Pudge” is an instructional guide designed for parents, grandparents and teachers to help teach children (and themselves) an easy way to meditate. The whole family will enjoy doing all the easy-to-follow breathing and mindful exercises together.
Yoga for Healthy Aging
A Guide to Lifelong Well-Being
The definitive resource on how to use yoga to foster your physical, mental, and emotional health for a lifetime.
Coloring Yantras
24 Sacred Symbols for Meditaion, Healing, Abundance, and Creativity
A sophisticated and unique adult coloring book featuring 24 Yantras--sacred Indian geometric symbols--that can be used for meditation, contemplation, healing, and personal growth.
The Celestial Sea Voyages
A series of three thought-provoking novels. ‘The Celestial Sea’ offers the ultimate escape from the trials of mid-life. Emigration to the Southern Hemisphere, a mother’s domestic world, family challenge, intimate secrets and foreign adventure all feature.
Yoga Rising
30 Empowering Stories from Yoga Renegades for Every Body
A follow-up to the groundbreaking work, Yoga and Body Image, features thirty new essays that reflect the full range of human diversity. Special emphasis is given to how you can take action to build community and challenge destructive attitudes and norms. Yoga Rising is an important resource for the continuing work of healing and liberation in today’s world.
All Our Waves Are Water
Stumbling Toward Enlightenment and The Perfect Ride
In this meditative memoir—a compelling fusion of Barbarian Days and the journals of Thomas Merton—the author of Saltwater Buddha reflects on his “failing toward enlightenment,” his continued search to find meaning and a greater understanding of grace in the world’s oceans as well as everyday life.
What If It Does Work Out?
How A Side Hustle Can Change Your Life
Life and business coach Susie Moore offers expert tips and guidance on how to earn extra income by transforming a hobby or talent into a successful side hustle and live the life of your dreams!
From Dover Publication's new imprint, Ixia Press, a library of inspiring books on leadership, business, spirituality and wellness. Use code WXA2 to Save 20% on all books. Expires 6/30/18.
A Plea for the Animals
The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion
A powerful and wide-ranging indictment of the treatment of animals by humans--and an eloquent plea for animal rights.
The Forever Letter
Writing What We Believe for Those We Love
Elana Zaiman transforms the little-known Jewish tradition of writing an ethical will in this simple and engaging book, enabling you to connect with your family and friends in a meaningful way through the forever letter, a message to impart your values, articulate your feelings and deepen relationships.
Creating a Lifetime of Wellness
Start Having the Life You Deserve
Is it possible to always feel good and energized? Can you really wake up every day feeling good about life? In Creating a Lifetime of Wellness, Wellness and Life Coach, Aura E. Martinez, provides a comprehensive guide as to the areas of your life that you need to look at in order to create more well-being on a daily basis.
Sacred Worlds Publishing
Timeless Wisdom to Awaken and Empower the Soul
The Great Book of Essenian & Egyptian Therapies is a must read for all body workers looking to deepen and expand their practice. A true tale of harmony and freedom between lifetimes and realms, The Portal of the Elves shares with us the exceptional destiny of an Elf who chooses to leave her world to join that of the humans.
The Five Inviations
Frank Ostaseski
The Five Invitations is a powerful and inspiring exploration of the essential wisdom dying has to impart to all of us about how to forge rich and meaningful lives.
Resilient Grieving
Finding Strength and Embracing Life After a Loss That Changes Everything
Resilient Grieving offers an empowering alternative to the five-stage Kübler-Ross model of grief—and makes clear our inherent capacity for growth following the trauma of a loss that changes everything.
What Is Man
Revealing The Root Of Consciousness In Humanity’s Existence With Faith In God
Perhaps the most significant questions of all time about humanity existence and what is Consciousness are scientifically analyzed with uncommon clarity in this new release.
“This divinely inspired narrative imparts a compelling comparative examination of the philosophical, religious and scientific viewpoints on the elements pertinent to attaining spiritual growth and enlightenment.” – Pacific Book Review
Holy Rascals
Advice for Spiritual Revolutionaires
Holy Rascals is a book filled with inspiration, humor, and practical insight for anyone ready to go beyond “isms” and ideologies of brand-name religions and live in the world as a liberating force of justice, compassion, and joy.
The Body Heals Itself
How Deeper Awareness of Your Muscles and Their Emotional Connection Can Help You Heal
Improve your physical health and emotional wellness with The Body Heals Itself, a practical guide to understanding, healing, and activating your muscles on an emotional level.
By understanding the link between your emotional and muscle bodies, you can unlock your healing potential and live better.
How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life
Drawing from the best in Western medicine and the author’s training at Stanford University and Yale Medical School, as well as teachings from Kabbalah, Buddhism, and shamanistic traditions, FULFILLED puts forward a groundbreaking new approach to self-actualization and true healing, including a unique balance of spiritual and concrete practices such as writing & meditative exercises.
The Straight Path
A Religious Guide to Finding and Fulfilling One's Purpose
This guide describes the straight path and how to walk it, so as to discover one’s purpose and fulfill that purpose. It examines the relationship between the soul, the mind and the body, and explains how to strengthen their connection by acting virtuously and avoiding vice. It explains how to establish a closer connection to God.