
Fit Fix: How Does Physical Activity Help Reduce Stress?

Fit Fix: How Does Physical Activity Help Reduce Stress?

Sponsored Content from James Cook University


Explore ways to incorporate stress-reducing exercise into your life.

Technology and other modern advancements were designed to make our lives easier and simpler. Modern innovations were supposed to ease our complexities and take care of the mundane things. If that’s all true, why are 64% of Australians feeling stressed out?

While our quality of living might be much better than the average caveman, we have perhaps forgotten about the here and the now in the pursuit of a better tomorrow. We seem to only have time for an upcoming work deadline, a weekend family outing, a night out at the pub with friends, an upcoming movie that’s highly anticipated, or a trip to Bali this summer. But we don’t seem to have time for our own well-being.

With stress levels at an all-time high, exercise can play a pivotal role in bringing them down to a lower level. Keeping stress levels low is important for everyone, be it busy office workers, professional athletes, stay-at-home mums, or even students pursuing programs like an MBA or online Diploma in Nursing.

How Does Exercise Regulate Stress Levels?

Working out regularly leads to the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters released by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Endorphins are known for acting as natural painkillers and mood elevators. They also regulate appetite, support cognitive function, promote the immune system, and slow inflammation. In a nutshell, they reduce pain and increase pleasure. Scientists have found out that regularly working out can enhance the endorphin levels in our bodies. The “runner’s high” people feel after a good long sprint is what this is the most associated with.

Apart from releasing endorphins, working out also regulates the flow of cortisol, a stress hormone. During a stressful event, cortisol levels increase as part of the "fight-or-flight" response. This temporary surge provides the body with the energy and alertness needed to respond to immediate challenges. However, having chronic stress can lead to a consistently higher level of cortisol, leading to issues like high blood pressure, depression, weight gain, and weakened immunity.

What Exercises Are Most Effective for Stress Relief?

There are multiple options for everyone, with a wide variety of styles and regimens suitable for people with diverse needs.

Aerobic Exercises

For people who like to be on the move, aerobic exercises are a great fit. Cycling, running, swimming, brisk walking, and dancing are highly effective ways to get your heart and mind grooving to the right tunes. These activities increase your heart rate, improve blood circulation, and stimulate the release of endorphins. Rhythmic movements can have a trance-like effect, calming our minds.


This ancient Indian regimen is suitable for people of all ages and sizes. Yoga has three core elements: physical posture, controlled breathing, and mindfulness. Many poses in yoga can be used for releasing stress and calming the mind:

  • Stick Pose (Yastikasana): This helps in relaxing tense muscles due to bad posture.

  • Corpse Pose (Savasana): If done correctly, this pose can recharge and rejuvenate the body.

  • Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani): This pose helps improve blood circulation, especially in the lower half of the body.

  • Rag Doll Pose (Uttanasana Variation): It helps alleviate the stress in the lower back, shoulders, and neck.

  • Revolved Abdomen Pose (Jathara Parivartanasana): This gentle spinal twist massages your abdomen to relieve digestive discomfort.

Strength Training

Think pumping iron only builds your muscles? Think again. Strength training also helps reduce stress. It increases endorphins and also alleviates stress-induced muscle tension. Strength training includes body weight exercises (calisthenics), weight lifting, as well as resistance band exercises. The repetitive nature of the workouts also helps distract the mind and keeps you focused on the now. In the long run, staying consistent at the gym also improves your sleep cycle, which is a major factor in fighting stress.


Playing your favorite sport can have a huge impact on your mental well-being. Getting out and playing team sports with others can also add a positive social element. Spending time outdoors curtails both rising blood pressure as well as cortisol levels. Additionally, exposure to sunlight boosts vitamin D levels, which is linked to improved mood and reduced stress.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT involves cycles of intense physical activity paired with a resting period in between. Here is what a typical HIIT workout cycle would look like:

High-Intensity Interval (30–45 seconds):

Push yourself to maximum effort with exercises like:

  • Sprinting in place or outdoors

  • Burpees

  • Jump squats

  • Mountain climbers

  • Kettlebell swings

Recovery Interval (15–30 seconds)

Allow your body to rest with light activity like:

  • Slow jogging in place

  • Marching in place

  • Standing deep breathing

HIIT is perfect for stress relief as it demands intense focus and effort, which leads you to forget all about your problems and distractions.

How to Make Room for Physical Activity in a Busy Schedule

Here are some practical tips on how to incorporate exercise into your tight schedule:

  • The most important thing would be to be flexible. Being open to different types of workouts and at different times of the day would help you stay consistent and sustain a healthier lifestyle. So, the next time you get a chance to get those legs moving, don’t fuss about it being early morning or noon … just get going.

  • Find a partner, if possible. Working out with someone else adds a layer of accountability that will force you to get up on dreary, dark, and cold mornings.

  • Choose efficient high-impact workouts. Opt for regimens like HIIT which are high on impact and low on time consumed.

  • Choose a regimen that you really enjoy. There is no point in going after a routine that you don’t really like doing. If boxing gets your blood flowing, go for it. If yoga suits your needs, incorporate it into your workout.

  • Prioritize your workout. Schedule it into your calendar. Don’t treat it as an afterthought.

Working out regularly can truly transform your life. It can revitalize your body and boost your self-esteem. It can be a game changer in your battle against stress. Make sure to follow the tips above to stick to it in the long run.

Fit Fix How Does Physical Activity Help Reduce Stress

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