Enlightened Perspectives: Lee Harris: Channeling as a Transformational Tool
British-born energy intuitive, channeler, and musician Lee Harris arrived on the planet with a collective of 88 energies called the Z’s in tow. But by the time he was 6 years old, Zachary, Zapharia, Ziadora & Co. had grown silent. Not so today. Since 2000, Harris has regularly communed with the “voice of galactic consciousness”—in books such as the Conversations with the Z’s series and Energy Speaks, on his podcast Impact the World, and during a monthly Energy Update on YouTube that taps into what’s happening for the world. Spiritual seekers are listening—and healing and awakening. Harris reaches 2 million people each month through a combination of all his platforms plus his online community, The Portal. The multifaceted teacher spoke to contributing editor Karen Brailsford about his journey and shared tips on how to connect to one’s guides. At the end of their conversation, some very special guests dropped in with a powerful message for Spirituality & Health readers.
KAREN BRAILSFORD: Why are you here—why do you think you have been incarnated?
LEE HARRIS: I’m here for people. I’m here to build things that help people get to the levels of consciousness or healing that they need to get to. There was a period of my life where it felt very dark to me. At 7, I started an addictive eating pattern. I was in and out of diet clinics as a teenager, then I developed bulimia. But once I started on my healing journey when I was about 17, things started to make more sense.
KB: Are you surprised to find yourself where you are?
LH: I’m kind of blown away that this is where I happen to have found myself 20 years after starting a job that I didn’t even think could be a job. Channeling was something I did in secret for spiritually open friends. For years not even my family knew. One day over coffee, my yoga teacher told me something about her relationship with her boyfriend. I told her everything I was getting. The next day she called me and said, “I shared the information with him, and we’ve never been closer. You should be doing this for work.”
My guides had always said that after 2012, we will see more of a healing focus begin in the world, and that this kind of work will be much more normal. I remember thinking, That’s a nice idea. But really? They were right. There are so many examples of people wanting to connect more deeply to themselves and to their souls, to regulate their nervous systems, and to recover from the trauma that it is to be alive.
KB: I was blown away to see you’re teaching people how to channel.
LH: I come from a self-growth background. I loved intuition and tarot and anything that connected me to messages from Spirit. But I was also taking myself to workshops and uncovering layers of my fears and self-doubt from the age of about 20. I never thought channeling was about the channeler or about the channeled entity. I would find it strange when I would see the same level of worship, deference, or guru-ization of the channeler or the channeled being that one saw in some religions.
Channeling would always expand my mind, take me out of the egoic and put me back into a bird’s-eye view of things. The best example I can give you is when I first met my guides in 2000. I was dating a wonderful Danish artist, and there was something in our relationship I was convinced was his fault. I was going through all these things in my head when I heard them say, “That’s an interesting thought. But you’re wrong.” They explained why this was my issue. I didn’t feel any defensiveness. I didn’t feel judged. It’s always a perspective that I didn’t see.
I think channeling heightens people’s connection to their soul, to their intuition, and to the awareness that there is so much more going on beyond what we’ve been trained to see. And if you use it well and as part of a balanced spiritual diet, it can be an incredible addition to your life, provided you don’t put all your chips on it.
KB: What else do you put your chips on?
LH: The Z’s always talk about how multidimensional we are. For my spiritual health, I put my chips on fitness, on what I’m putting into my body, and on who and what I’m around vibrationally. Am I getting in enough nature? Am I connecting to my higher power, to my guides? What am I giving in the world? What am I receiving? These make for a balanced life. Human beings are innately spiritual; we’ve just been talked out of it. The more healed we get around the areas that have either been damaged or traumatized, the more our personal life force and universal life force can come into and through us.
KB: The word channel is loaded for me, although I suppose my daily journaling is channeling. Was it difficult to reveal this ability to people you knew?
LH: At a certain point I had to. A year into doing readings, I would visit my family and have to get on my laptop for sessions. I had to explain what I was doing. At first, they didn’t understand it. I’d come out as gay to my mother seven years earlier when I was 16. She discouraged me from telling my father, so I didn’t tell him until I was 21. It’s all good now, but it wasn’t an easy journey at the time. I was always very nervous, especially in my early twenties: How would I be perceived? Will people pull away from me? Will they think I’m weird? At the end of the day, our human drive is for connection, not disconnection, and I was very clear that I liked connecting.
KB: How do you teach others to channel?
LH: I have a video called “Working with Your Guides” on YouTube. It takes you through the process in a little over an hour. I also created an extensive course called How to Channel and Why. The basics are to get paper and pen, or your computer, and ask: “What does my soul want to tell me today?” Then just let yourself start writing and see what happens. Your mind might go, “Am I making this up?” I always say, “Yes, you are. So is any channeler.” I don’t mean you’re lying about what you’re getting. I mean that you are a participant in this experience. You’re not waiting for Spirit to whack you on the head. You’re actually inviting a communication. Sometimes people will get loads of information immediately. Sometimes they might get only a sentence: “You are love, and you are enough.” That might make them cry because they’ve never heard such loving words toward themselves
KB: When I journal, it’s always, “Karen, you’re so loved.” It’s amazing to feel such unconditional love.
LH: The Z’s have said that when you first start channeling you get calibrated to a frequency of love that you may not be used to, so it might take a few months of practicing, or maybe longer, before you start getting more information. The writing method is a great method because you can go back and see how relevant or true the message is. When I first met the Z’s, I was testing how their words lined up—or didn’t line up—with my life. For channeling to become a useful tool, you have to study it. It shouldn’t remain an entertainment. How are you going to apply the message? It’s time to embody and integrate it. I believe channeling or any form of divination is actually a very powerful transformational tool.
KB: Has your dynamic with the Z’s evolved over the years?
LH: Maybe I’ve become a more skilled communicator of their messages so they can come through stronger. Around 2017, their messages started to get more urgent. They talked about 2017 to 2024 being very intense, tumultuous years. We’ve been in a seven-year dark night of the soul. From 2020 onward the heat got turned up in life. The Z’s turned the heat up too. Not in a way that wasn’t supportive to people, but by exposing certain things. How the planet is run. How some people are horrifically oppressed. How people get away with horrendous things.
More recently, they’ve talked about how our systems have to become inclusive and uplift people. That’s where we’re going in the coming decades; we’re just having a bit of a battle to get there. It won’t happen overnight, but they did say that the pendulum swings. One thing that came through a few years ago is that from 2025 onward, we will see more actualized evidence of the new world that’s coming. It’s not that there won’t be more examples of war or oppression, but the rise of the opposite will get stronger.
People need to experience what’s possible. They can’t be told what’s possible. But if they start to see evidence, like a new invention, or if they have experiences that show them, “Oh, this is better,” it suddenly doesn’t look like the old way is the only way. There will be an increase in better technology, ways of being, emotional support, healing. I think those of us who look for those kinds of things are already seeing it all the time.
KB: Isn’t your community evidence of this?
LH: That’s a really good point. And it’s funny because my next mission is to build an actual network. What my team and I have learned to do could now be applied to bring in other voices, teachers, and modalities around transformation. I can feel it’s time.
KB: Many people believe things are worse than ever, so this is encouraging.
LH: The Z’s have explained that what we’re actually seeing right now is the surfacing of what’s been hidden. It’s all getting exposed.
KB: Do the Z’s have a message for our readers?
LH: Let’s see what comes. I’ll close my eyes and within 30 seconds they’ll start speaking.
Z’s: A pleasure to be here in this dialogue. We will turn our attention to this readership. You are all holding unity and spirituality as a focus because that is where oneness comes from. Oneness is the home that your soul remembers. Oneness is like a vast memory bank of all souls across all time. And the reason oneness will be so increasingly important for all of you is joy, harmony, flow, and connection. These are true energies, yet energies that have been successfully trapped, held back, diminished, dismissed, or in the worst cases, banished from human life.
So you are here as ambassadors of the opposite. It’s never comfortable to be an ambassador of the opposite. So as a survival guide for those of you who resonate with what we are saying: Be sure to be around enough of the people who you love to feel you have good community. And if you do not have that, make an intention with the universe that you are to find new connected souls and friends.
Lean into your mission. Many of you are here on missions of either love or healing or joy or forgiveness. You will have a life theme that you will notice comes up for you. It will either be an area you are very drawn to, or (and it’s often both) it will be something people tell you that they feel when they’re in your presence.
Let your mission get clearer to you, and it will make decisions in your life a lot easier. If you know you are on a mission of love, and someone invites you to an event that you are quite clear is not about love but is instead about division, you will know why you are turning it down. It is going to be very important for you to find your tribes, to find your path and lean into it in these coming years.
And if you do not know what your path is right now, then lean into not knowing for a year or two. Make peace with “this is a period in my life where I do not know, and I’m going to explore that for a while.” This will help you with all of the fluctuating energy waves that are coming toward the planet from the cosmos, but also coming from inside the Earth herself and rippling up onto the surface, and then, equally, the waves that affect you from other humans—for humans are very affected by other humans.
Even if you are staying in your house all day long, there are energy waves coming through the walls from the world outside. So knowing who the good people are for you to be around, knowing how to look after yourself, your energy field, your needs, your sense of balance, and knowing to include high energies—such as joy, connection, love, fun, play, harmony, healing, giving—these will be the ways to maintain your vibration while the world around you is shifting in so many different ways. Good, so do you have any questions for us before we depart?
KB: I love that you circled back to my first question: “Why are you here?” That’s validating.
Z’s: Good question, and Lee is here as a bridge to consciousness. A pleasure to be with you. If there are no other questions, we will depart.
KB: Thank you.
Z’s: And thank you to you for all that you do. And a pleasure to be here today in peace and in love and in heart to you.
KB: [to Lee] Now I’m even more excited to read what the Z’s have to say in your new book, The Future Human. What are some of the big topics you cover?
LH: Everything from AI to advances with medical techniques and issues around corruption in the power systems. How is that going to play out? How do we overcome it? What is the origin of humanity? How did we get here? Why are we somewhat dumbed down from our spirituality? Those are the kinds of questions the Z’s answer in the book, and they did not hold back!
Lee Harris started doing intuitive readings part-time in 2004 and now heads a multimedia, worldwide event company and production house called Lee Harris Energy. His latest book, The Future Human: New Ways of Living and Being on Earth, a conversation between the Z’s and journalist Regina Meredith, was published in March. His latest album, Medicine Mantras Vol. 2, was released in December 2024. Visit leeharrisenergy.com.
This article appeared in the March/April 2025 issue of Spirituality & Health®: A Unity Publication. Subscribe now.