When a Tension Gets Attention
Flummoxed by self-esteem issues? Give up on self-esteem and move to Self-awareness.
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There are times when you might not feel well. Perhaps you have a headache, an aching back, or you mentally just aren’t yourself. Maybe you are a bit down in the dumps, grumpy, negative, or are feeling more weary than usual. While it is normal to have off days, those times when your body might need a little extra tender loving care, when a few days stretches into a week or a month of something not feeling quite right, you might want to check in with your doctor. The purpose of this cleanse is to help you release whatever may be showing up for you psychologically. Experiences, situations, emotions that may be causing you strain and leaving you mentally and physically depleted.
Clear Reactivity. Press the pads of both of your middle fingers together, while leaving the other fingers loose. Hold them near your navel as you inhale and exhale gently through your nose for approximately thirty seconds.
Look Inward. How I feel in my body right now is ... inhale through your nose ... exhale through your nose.
Tuning in to my body right now makes me feel ... inhale ... exhale ...
Tuning in to my brain right now makes me feel ... inhale ... exhale ...
Tuning in to my spirit right now makes me feel ... inhale ... exhale ...
Emit. Hum three times.
[Read: “Mindful Lessons From Hummingbirds.”]
Activate. See it! Visualize health, wellness, vitality, energy, happiness, and freedom. Maybe what it’s like to peel and open up an orange—that sudden burst of fragrance and sweetness.
Nourish. Feel it! Imagine what it would feel like to have a natural, vibrant glowing energy inside and out.
Surrender. Say: “I allow health. I allow wellness. I allow vitality. I allow energy. I allow happiness. I allow freedom.”
Ease. Say: “I am healthy. I am well. I am vital. I am energetic. I am hopeful. I am free.”
Adapted from EMOTIONAL DETOX NOW: 135 Self-Guided Practices to Renew Your Mind, Heart & Spirit by Sherianna Boyle. Copyright © 2022 by the author and reprinted with permission of St. Martin's Publishing Group.
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