Spirituality and a New God
“We need a new understanding of God that allows us to leave behind the zero-sum and xenophobic ...
Eva Brownstein
Divine timing is sensing what your intuition is saying and reading the environment you are in to generate a clear path and plan. With practice, divine timing will guide you on your life’s journey. Clues on how to serve your evolving self arrive in people, nature, dreams, aha! moments, words, synchronicities—intuitive glimmers.
Unfortunately, many people have been conditioned to be out of touch with a sense of divine timing. If you were raised to be a people pleaser, you may have lost touch with your intuition. If you were told to suck it up or denied access towards your true feelings, most likely you feel disconnected from your gut instincts. If your life is filled with drama, chaos, and emotional reactivity, your intuitive channels are constantly being blocked. The best strategy to trek the path up the divine-timing mountain is to slow down, realize what emotional patterns may be ruling you, and track them back to the origin of why they exist.
Meditation, mindfulness, creative pursuits, spending time in nature, and soul-care rituals are key to embodying an inner-to-outer life balance and honing intuition.
The gift of choice and conscious living awaits. You get to feel, sense, decide, and direct the life that lights you up. Activating daily self-care rituals generates radiance, grounding, and perspective. Clearing toxic and negative energies from your inner and outer life becomes the goal.
[Read: “4 Water Meditation Techniques to Cleanse Your Energy Center.”]
Your intuition does not arrive with a backstory, rather it emerges through your body like a lightning bolt—or a soft butterfly wing within. It can be a pulse, a surge, a deep inhale that stops you in your tracks. These intuitive moments feel right. They do not feel complex or come from life’s dramas. When you soften your grip on controlling every aspect of your life, a window opens into another realm. You internalize and understand the cosmic meetings, the divine timings, and the synchronistic flow that is meant to tell you something.
The journey of embodying divine timing as a practice begins with listening. To listen you must also become comfortable inside the quiet, still, and soft parts of our soul. Inner listening leads to right action, clear boundaries, and compassionate living and loving.
Over time, this personal work culminates towards an anchored, vast, and wildly connected intuitive response system. Instead of reacting in fight, flight, or defense, your inner knowing will guide you towards what energy, message, or life lesson is meant for you to receive. You will also be able to discern which message is not meant for you.
It’s as if you are presented with two frequencies daily. You choose which to tune to. You can make choices based on inner listening or you can ignore the messages, stay incredibly busy, or push against yourself at the cost of your core values. What you feed grows. When you activate soul-care rituals that inspire you, you become a living channel to sense what the universe may be trying to tell you—and this is divine timing.
Morning Ritual to Invoke Divine Timing
Light a candle. Welcome in silence and stillness. Honor your intuitive process by observing what wants to come through. Make a vow to your higher self to observe what’s ready to be heard, seen, felt, and sensed. If any doubt or fear arises, let it go and return to spacious awareness.
Evening Ritual to Embody Divine Timing
Light a candle, invite in a softness, let go of unfinished work, consciously disconnect from media, drink calming tea, and before you go to sleep, ask for the dreamtime to bring guidance about your current life’s path.
Want more? Read: “Why Change Is Difficult for Us (and Ways to Overcome It).”
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