The Goddess of Vulnerability: Bherunda Nitya
If you look up at the moon on the fourth night from now, you’ll see a beautiful crescent shape. If it’s close enough to the horizon, it’s often a sweet hazy golden color. The godde…
Contributed by: Julie Peters
Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.
If you look up at the moon on the fourth night from now, you’ll see a beautiful crescent shape. If it’s close enough to the horizon, it’s often a sweet hazy golden color. The godde…
Sexual desire is intoxicating. Sex also connects us deeply to one another and to the present moment.
My dad has a special way he likes to order when we are out at a restaurant. First, order your beer. Then, wait to order your food until it’s also time to order your second drink. I…
It was a bad week for news. This week’s news made me feel angry, helpless, and sick. So what’s a good yogi to do? Focus on her breath and try to forget all about injustice?The Hind…
Do you know where your phone is right now? If it beeps or vibrates, will you keep reading this or stop to check the notification? Of course you’ll stop and check. We all do it. In…
A few years ago, I had a very annoying skin allergy. Wherever I scratched, my skin would bubble up: the condition is called Dermatographia, or “skin writing” in Latin.I could write…
Here are four yoga postures that can really help your body deal with coughs, colds, and seasonal allergies.
At the studio I run in Vancouver, we used to participate in 30-day challenges where you can sign up to complete 30 yoga classes in 30 days. The studio would be jammed with people, …
When you are feeling stressed and anxious, what’s your strategy? If you’re like many of us, you head home to hide under your covers. What if I told you the cure was at the cocktail…
Once upon a time, the great god Shiva and his beautiful consort Sati were having an argument. Her father was hosting a party and hadn’t invited the couple. Infuriated, Sati wanted …
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