The Complications of Living in the Now
We all know living in the moment is a key aspect of happiness. We know we need to learn to pay attention to what’s actually happening around us, the people we are with, and all the…
Contributed by: Julie Peters
Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.
We all know living in the moment is a key aspect of happiness. We know we need to learn to pay attention to what’s actually happening around us, the people we are with, and all the…
One of the most famous yoga sutras—the short aphorisms in yoga attributed to Patanjali—is sthiram sukham asanam. The phrase means essentially that your asana, your seat…
Non-attachment is a pretty familiar concept within the worlds of yoga and meditation. In Buddhism, the word anicca refers to the concept of impermanence, that nothing stays the sam…
In many spiritual traditions, God is seen as the source of light, banishing the darkness and bringing hope. Darkness is seen as the enemy, a terrifying place where we are out of co…
In the Tantric tradition, the goddess of the 13th night from the new moon is called Sarvamangala. She is calm and quiet, surrounded by a crowd of 76 other deities, including the go…
The day after I finished a major project (my new book, Secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase Goddesses), I came down with a fever. For a few days, it hurt my brain to do anything other…
Around Valentine’s Day, a lot of people are thinking about love—whether they want to be or not. A set of particularly anxious questions can arise: How do I find the One? How do I k…
Chinese New Year, celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice, represents a...
The other day, I took a bad yoga class. I went to see one of my favorite teachers, and as usual, her class was intelligent, well-paced, and well-focused. But as I moved through the…
Traditionally, the dark times—winter solstice or new moons—are times to reflect, to slow down and listen to the quiet voices at the heart of us that tell us what we truly desire, w…
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