Showing Up Matters: Stories of the Goddess
We are in a moment of change. Some of us are hopeful, others rageful, and others fearful. I’ve been thinking lately about a set of stories told by Sally Kempton in her book Awakeni…
Contributed by: Julie Peters
Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.
We are in a moment of change. Some of us are hopeful, others rageful, and others fearful. I’ve been thinking lately about a set of stories told by Sally Kempton in her book Awakeni…
Here are some tips that have helped me negotiate with my head when it’s on a pillow.
This week, I skipped out on yoga. Instead, I tried kickboxing for the first time. I also tested out capoeira and jujitsu—it felt like a good week to do a bit of kicking and punchin…
I don’t always make New Year’s resolutions—I find the darkest coldest months a pretty difficult time to start new things. This year, however, I did make one that not only helped me…
We all know there’s great value in loving ourselves. Self-acceptance, self-esteem, and self-compassion can get us through painful times in our lives, help us to bounce back from fa…
September is a bit of a wild month, astrologically speaking. There is a solar eclipse with the new moon on September 1st and a lunar eclipse with the full moon on September 16th. I…
Over the last several years, I’ve come to believe that the greatest, most powerful, most courageous thing we can do in our lives is learn to befriend our pain. This idea is a majo…
Many of us fear and avoid anger, especially in the realm of intimate relationships. We think of it like fire—a spark could burn the house down. Anger is, however, a vital tool, and…
Every morning, I meditate. Badly. I know meditation is good for me. Meditation can help with anxiety, stress, insomnia, self-esteem and a whole host of other things. There are a m…
Vajresvari wants us to find power in being present with our joy, imbibing in delightful...
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