

Contributed by: Julie Peters

About Pathfinding

Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.

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Breaking Your Addiction to Thinking

Thinking is obviously an important tool. Humans have the powerful ability to think about the past and the future, make narratives about our lives that help us navigate new situatio…

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Why Commit? And How?

Once upon a time, people spent their whole lives in one career until they retired. In this world, marriage was a given: it happened early and it was lifelong. Commitment was easy: …

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Understanding Your Cravings

Dieting mythologies have taught us that cravings are our enemies. We are told to ignore the plaintive cries of our evil bodies as they try to trick us into feeding them!Cravings ar…

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Your Self-Esteem is Not the Problem

Like everyone else, I’ve had difficult times in my life. I’ve had bad breakups, I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve been hurt. In these difficult moments, a lot of people have cheerfully …

About the Author

Julie Peters

Julie Peters (MA, E-RYT, YACEP) has been practicing yoga and meditation for 25 years and ran Ocean and Crow Yoga Studio in Vancouver, BC, for more than a decade. She has written two books: Secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase...

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