Guided Meditation: Love Ritual for Valentine’s Day
This guided meditation helps you to remove any obstacles that are blocking your path to...
Contributed by: Julie Peters
Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.
This guided meditation helps you to remove any obstacles that are blocking your path to...
“Desire is the feeling that there is something more out there for us, something bigger, something...
We can’t second-guess every choice we make. So how do we know what it means for something to feel...
Imagine a protective sphere that keeps in positive energy, releasing what we do not need.
“Those moments can be very painful, but sometimes we should let certain friends leave our lives.”
This guided meditation connects with sounds and distractions to help us get centered. This...
In winter, our digestive fire is low, so we should be eating warm, cooked foods. Yes—that means stop eating salads!
Contorted into a plane seat? Here are a few (discreet) stretches you can do to keep your blood...
Though you can do this guided meditation anytime, it especially helps you fall asleep at night.
“The impulse with judgment is usually to shame the person we are judging, to make fun of them or...
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