The Spiritual Meaning of Menstrual Problems
Discovering the spiritual meaning of your menstrual problems can complement any other treatments...
Contributed by: Julie Peters
Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.
Discovering the spiritual meaning of your menstrual problems can complement any other treatments...
How does the flow of energy connect to physical and spiritual leaks?
Energetically, celestially, astrologically, physically—January 1st is just one day.
Stretch all you want—these muscles won’t release until you feel safe enough to let them.
This ritual to invite winter solstice magic is best done sitting in a circle (real or virtual)...
The spiritual meaning of vaginal infections may stem from the metaphorical penetration of toxic energy.
This simple meditation can be done in any comfortable position, including lying down or even...
Pelvic floor pain can arise from physical dysfunction as well as blocked energy.
Embrace darkness as a source of deep wisdom.
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