Guided Meditation with the Ancient Hebrew Goddess Asherah
This meditation will introduce you to Asherah, who once ruled as a Canaanite mother goddess. What...
Contributed by: Julie Peters
Yoga and mindfulness can be tools to living a richer, more meaningful life. Explore with Julie to discover pathways to a radiant heart, a clear mind, and a connected spirit.
This meditation will introduce you to Asherah, who once ruled as a Canaanite mother goddess. What...
What does it look like to establish boundaries within yourself when your needs aren’t being met...
In ancient pre-Judeo-Christian tradition, God had a divine consort. Learn more about the story of...
The Haudenosaunee story of the creation of Turtle Island (now known as North America) may just...
How do we know if we or someone in our lives is a narcissist? And then what do we do about it?
Gnosticism has always existed alongside traditional Christianity and still holds wisdom for us...
While colds and flus are common annoyances, they may also teach us spiritual lessons that we can meditate on.
Your lower back pain may just have wisdom to teach you.
How does your perspective on the afterlife affect how you live your day to day?
By tuning into solar, lunar, and personal cycles, we can find opportunities for deep healing.
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