
10 Affirmations for When Your Mind Says “I Can’t”

10 Affirmations for When Your Mind Says “I Can’t”


Before you let that negative self-talk stop you, try these affirmations.

When we face something new or something that has presented a challenge in the past, the mind may immediately jump into a fearful response. Generally when this happens it will caution to pick an alternate or easier way. Your mind starts listing all of the worst possible outcomes to keep you in what would seem a safe and familiar place. However, this is not to your benefit, or anyone around you for that matter. The more we acknowledge what is there and then consciously choose our response, the more likely we will explore a better path. Rest assured that like anything with practice, each time it gets a little easier. Before you know it, the world around you is shifting in a brighter and more joyful way. Next time you feel that impulse of fear, try these affirmations:

  1. I am fully capable to achieve that which I set out to do
  2. I accomplish daily
  3. I step forward in my personal goals
  4. All that I need is within me
  5. I meet my ego with compassion
  6. Each moment is new and in this moment “I can!”
  7. With hard work and determination I conquer
  8. I am able
  9. I overcome feelings of doubt by acknowledging them and choosing another way
  10. I step into my power one step at a time

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