Spirituality & Health
Meditative State of Mind Linked to Breathing Focus
Your state of mind is closely linked to the many physiological processes going on in your body. In fact, your entire meditation experience can alter depending on where your breathi…Spirituality & Health
New Books: Enlightened Aging, Chant, and a Memoir of Darkness
Open your mind to a different way of seeing, with these selections from Spirituality & Health. Click the title to read the full review.The December Project An Extraordinary Rab…Spirituality & Health
Is Immortality an Intuitive Belief?
A belief in human immortality—that our bodies die but our spirits continue—is a common thread that connects nearly every religion and spiritual practice. The persistenc…Spirituality & Health
Love Can Be the Bottom Line
It’s finally happening, have you heard the whispers? We are seeing the glimmers of the remaking of the way we do business, a way that just might ensure a just and livable future. Q…Spirituality & Health
7 Stories to Inspire Getting Outdoors
Spring is here! It’s time to come out of hibernation and step into the great outdoors. Not that we need any convincing, but for years, scientists have been claiming the importance …Spirituality & Health
Sweet Dreams on Demand
You’re taking a morning walk with your best friend around a pristine lake, when suddenly an alligator lunges out of the water. The two of you leap onto the nearest tree and begin t…Spirituality & Health
Honey: The Sweet Solution to Antibiotic Resistance
Since ancient times, honey has been used as a natural cure for infections, burns, and wounds; but as with most natural remedies, it was eventually replaced by modern medicine. Conv…Spirituality & Health
A Challenge to Forgive
Are you hurt and suffering? As Desmond and Mpho Tutu write in their new book The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World, "Until we can forgive, we…Spirituality & Health
Video: Look at these Animals in the Eye
Do you ever look an animal in the eye and see someone you know? National Geographic fellow Joel Sartore develops this deep connection with his photographs of endangered species (se…Spirituality & Health
Clean Your House and Your Mind Will Follow
Cleaning the physical dirt around us is great cross-training for the work of cleaning the internal metaphorical messes we all face in life.