I am envious of Grover Norquist. First, he's named after a Sesame Street character, and how cool is that? Second, he controls the votes of hundreds of legislators and through them …
“All the siblings in my family are authentic members of my family. Because our identity doesn’t depend on our possessing some unchanging “common thing,” we don’t have to argue over…
This week there was new moon in the sky, did you notice it? Aha! That was a trick question! The new moon is also referred to as the dark moon because it is the only time of the mon…
Yesterday our meditation group began Chapter 3 of Joseph Goldstein’s One Dharma. It seems fitting, having just finished a retreat, to think about the four “reminders,” or “reflecti…
In a recent study of the impact of religious beliefs on human behavior* researchers found that those who believe in a punishing god are more likely to avoid cheating than those who…
Our meditation group’s sitting last night included three fans and flapping vertical blinds. It was very hot in the un-airconditioned building, and the heat is expected to last for …
Our meditation group had six stalwart sitters yesterday for our four-hour block sitting, in spite of the our city’s annual summer festival being in full swing, the gorgeous weather…
This week our local Sangha, or meditation group, started our study of One Dharma, by Joseph Goldstein. I read this book years ago, but I come to it new, now, as I’m in a different …
You should know right off, you won’t find here an interesting discussion of Vasubandu’s role in Yogacara Buddhism, or the subtle accretions of the practice from the Theravadans to …
Is God in favor of abortion? Maybe so.
An article in The Tennessean newspaper told the story of a fifteen-year-old unmarried girl pregnant with triplets. The pregnancy was not goi…