Spirituality & Health
More Retirees Are Volunteering Around the World
“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” ~ Betty FriedanMore and more older Americans are feeling the call to give back to others and are finding them…Spirituality & Health
A Strong Sense of Purpose May Protect Your Heart
In just a few decades, our understanding of the mind and body has risen dramatically. Topics that were rarely talked about in the 90s — omega 3’s, probiotics, and how the gut…Spirituality & Health
Got a Busy Schedule? You May Not Need More Time, Just Energy and Perspective
Do you keep a running to-do list that never seems to end? Do self-directed commands such as “send emails” or “write resume” or “buy salad ingredients” always end up on tomorrow’s l…Spirituality & Health
How Feelings of Awe Lower Inflammation
Do you know a person who still seems to retain a childlike sense of wonder well into adulthood? Someone who still dances in the rain, has a strong imagination, and is awe-stricken …Spirituality & Health
Release Your Stress for a Good Night’s Sleep
Stress can make getting to sleep at night a very real challenge.