This documentary from 2012 follows filmmaker Suzanne Bryant as she seeks healing and transformation of spirit through the practice of yoga. Bryant, a successful young journalist li…
Being Jewish in America today has less to do with religious belief and more to do with cultural attitudes like “having a good sense of humor,” according to a major survey released …
One of the trickier things about going off on a spiritual retreat is not what happens when you’re away. It’s what happens when you get home.
I was recently at a retreat center whe…
There’s a line I love from Leonard Cohen, not a song lyric but a remark the singer/songwriter makes between tunes on his “Live in London” album. In the introduction to “Ain’t No…
At first glance, the neo-tantra movement, with its many books, videos, and workshops on “sacred sexuality,” looks like a hangover from the 1960s—echoes from the sexual revolu…
Albert Einstein said, “If bees were to disappear from the globe, mankind would only have four years left to live.” He seemed to have understood then what experts now know is the fu…
What’s the first thing you think of when someone says the word “tantra?” Does it have something to do with sex?
To scholars of religion, the tantras are a collection of esoteric B…
In the long while since you’ve heard from me I’ve been on a quest to re-find my voice as a blogger on issues of sacred activism. It’s like this: After more than 20 years of work in…
Over the last few decades, some churches and other religious institutions have re-examined how their theology informs their ideas about ecology.
Many Christians and Jews are r…
How do we as individuals approach a problem as seemingly hopeless and overwhelming as the ongoing planetary crisis caused by the air pollution and climate change?
One way is to…
We were talking about the spiritual benefits of doubt, and about a Buddhist teacher I once studied with who stressed the importance of keeping a “Don’t Know” mind.
Buddhist me…
How blind can faith become? Is there possibility for the discovery of higher meaning in spirituality that is, at its foundation, nothing but an illusion? Can we find true religious…